Example sentences of "[det] from [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some researchers have sought information about this from findings about the health of offspring .
2 There was a chuckle at this from people in the congregation .
3 For example , after British manufacturers had failed to provide adequate supplies of boiler tubes , they decided to import some from Italy in the early 1950s .
4 Sadly , many more people are going to develop AIDS , some from recent infection , some from infection with the virus years before the risks were known .
5 The visual references in the two magazines are as much from photos of the artist as from her work .
6 Legislation will be put forward to allow stricter controls on chemical dumping and sewage and fertiliser discharges ( the latter from farms along the coast and rivers ) .
7 The academic field and artistic field ( high culture ) occupy rather intermediate positions , autonomy in the former being from the field of power and in the latter from consumers in the social field .
8 The economic collapse of the Republic resulted in an exodus as significant as that from Haiti in the early 1980s .
9 Using the Jodrell Bank Radio telescope in Cheshire , they had observed the super dense pulsating radio star ( pulsar ) PSR18219-10 for 18 months and deduced from variations in its radio signature that it was being orbited by a planet every six months at approximately the same distance as that from Venus to the Sun .
10 These are cheaper to consumers , but more costly than those from countries outside the union .
11 More from Colin throughout the evening including some second half commentary for you .
12 Hari felt a sense of disappointment , she had expected something more from players at the theatre , exactly what she did n't know .
13 All this signals something more from Carter in the future .
14 They have therefore suffered more than most from cuts in the housing programme .
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