Example sentences of "[det] with [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 She does this with every class in the school and each class has a fixed day and a fixed time .
2 Katherine remembered this with a smile in the midst of her reading .
3 Compare this with the approach in Task 42 .
4 Reaumur knew that steel is more brittle than pure iron and connected this with the impurities in it .
5 Contrast this with the position in jurisdictions where there are three or more degrees of homicide : pleas of guilty to first- and second-degree murders would be less frequent , since there would be the possibility of argument in court ( if no bargain was struck beforehand between prosecution and defence ) , and the defence might succeed in persuading the jury to reduce the degree of the killing .
6 Baby jars are ideal for this with the bottom in ( 6mm ) of the cutting in water .
7 I believe that we achieve this very successfully , and when you bear in mind the pressure under which the Magistracy have been in recent times , with erm industrial action , demonstrations , which have brought them to the forefront of the attention , I think it 's a remarkably achievement that the Magistrates have come through this with the public in general terms satisfied with the performance of Magistrates in the discharge of these very onerous functions .
8 Compare this with the situation in Byrd 's lifetime .
9 The precedent suggests a reference to persons under the Tenant 's control in order to exclude mere callers , but where the clause refers to servants of the tenant ( which some precedents do despite the archaic nature of the expression ) it may be as well to qualify this with the words in the course of employment in case it is claimed that a servant will , by the nature of the expression , always be under the tenant 's control .
10 Well what did you think of that compared to doing this with the numbers in ?
11 One woman said : ‘ They are obviously doing this with the children in mind .
12 It is therefore wise to consider specifying in the Articles the extent of a nominee director 's duty and couple this with an acknowledgement in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement that the nominee has been appointed to represent the interests of a particular group of shareholders .
13 It is not plain that knowledge that x entails y is a suitable model for knowledge that bodies attract one another with a force in inverse proportion to the square of their distance apart .
14 Again , originally groups of ‘ adventurers ’ were recognized in trade with various lands — one trading with Prussia secured royal recognition in 1391 , another with the Netherlands in 1407 and a third with the Scandinavian lands in 1408 , but eventually the Netherlands group secured for itself the specific name of the Merchant Adventurers ' Company ( 64 , pp. 143–50 ) .
15 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
16 Table III shows the numbers of admissions for alcohol related disease according to the OPCS data and compares these with the diagnoses in the case notes .
17 Seven score steeds , each with a jewel in his forehead like a star , and seven-score horsemen all the sons of kings , in their green mantles fringed with gold , and golden helmets on their heads and golden greaves on their limbs and each knight having in his hand a golden spear .
18 Radcliffe 's description of the period 1788 – 1803 for Lancashire cotton weavers mingles experience and myth but conveys something of the style of the good times : " Their dwellings and small gardens clean and neat — all the family well clad — the men each with a watch in his pocket , and the women dressed to their own fancy — the church crowded to excess every Sunday — every house well furnished . "
19 It would hardly be surprising if so many organisations , each with a finger in a large but nonetheless limited pie , sometimes disagreed on how the money should be spent .
20 And there was a funny silence and Dylan said that he 'd bet I could n't do that scream like that with a cigarette in my mouth and I shook off the centuries , stopped staring , smiled a little , noted that he had indeed monumentally screamed with a cigarette in his mouth and went stunned back to my crossword . ’
21 A polite little bloke like that with a tiger in his tank ?
22 The erm , shapes , did you ever have to do that with the thingy in the middle ?
23 Li Peng , the Chinese Premier , told Nguyen Manh Cam on Sept. 11 that with the progress in the political settlement of the Cambodian issue [ see pp. 38440-41 ] , " the normalization of Sino-Vietnamese relations has been put on the agenda " .
24 It is to gain authority from the Poetics for his " bourgeois tragedy " ( bürgerliches Trauerspiel ) by arguing that with the reduction in the social standing of the characters of his plays must come a corresponding reduction in the intensity of the emotions displayed by them and the reversals of fortune that they experience .
25 And sort of , dead down to earth and everything and it showed you a clip out of National Velvet when she was twelve years old you know erm that with the horse in it and that ?
26 Rosalind had written the letter breaking off her engagement to Richard , but during her short meeting with her new boy-friend realised that he was n't the right one at all and that Richard was — but that with the letter in the post she had found out too late !
27 What was that , that with the boats in the in the river ?
28 Without ever approaching that with the metropolis in magnitude , coastal trade between provincial ports probably increased at a faster rate .
29 They could only hope , that with an improvement in the general financial situation , the position would improve in the coming year .
30 Peter and his partner worked hard together , starting first of all with a stall in Berwick Street market in London 's West End .
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