Example sentences of "[det] that [pron] [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
2 But it was on days like these that one longed for a friend , hoped for a caller .
3 I know that today 's announcement will be a disappointment for them , and that those on the Tyne recognise that the response to all that they asked for previously was fair play .
4 He leaned forward once again , subjecting her to the unnerving illusion of being pinned by his shadow , trapped and oppressed by it , as if it carried physical weight , composed of all that he felt for her , lust and contempt .
5 Yet for all that he no longer believed the creed in which he had been raised : for all that he fought for a king against an upstart general , for the old order against the new , Karelius recognized that at heart he would always be one of Cromwell 's men .
6 Thus , while at the peak of his long and difficult reign , and while engaged upon an ideal cause that represented all that he stood for in terms of imperial and religious aims , Frederick Barbarossa probably died from what we would now recognise as a massive heart failure .
7 The Lord Mayor who saved the king and all that he stood for was William Walworth .
8 ‘ I am a rich woman ; he left everything to me , and so he should have done , after all that I sacrificed for him .
9 I bought all that I needed for a laboratory , and sent everything to Scotland .
10 For all that it sold for $46,200 ( £30,800 ) ( est. $30–50,000 ) .
11 At breakfast together Fisher exploded and attacked the Church Union and all that it stood for and said that they had done great harm and ought to apologize .
12 When it was certain that the City of the Horizon would collapse , and all that it stood for , I wrote to him , to try to get him to save himself .
13 Trade with Russia might survive if the Muscovy Company went out of business , but it was not easy to imagine that trade with Hudson Bay ( with all that it did for London furriers and re-exporters ) could continue if the Company lost its trading rights , and the Royal African Company was believed to be necessary for the slave trade until the 1690s , and the East India Company kept its position in trade with India for over a century after that .
14 Those that he produced for sale through the Redfern Gallery were usually printed in editions of fifty and include Thames-side , Bull Fight , Spain , Tropical Landscape , Horse Guards in their Dressing Rooms at Whitehall and Working Men 's College , this last relating to his association with the Working Men 's College in Crowndale Road , Mornington Crescent , where he gave a lecture , ‘ The Painter 's Intention ’ , in 1952 , taught lithography and also acted as Art Adviser .
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