Example sentences of "[det] that [verb] be a " in BNC.

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1 All that followed was a rash of rights issues which have left shareholders nursing huge losses .
2 But her voice seemed to have been swept overboard somewhere in mid-voyage , and all that emerged was a croak .
3 Luce tried to speak , but all that emerged was a strangled croak .
4 All that happened was a marked decline in the preferential finance made available by parastatal Kenyan banks ( Commonwealth Secretariat , 1985 : p. 26 ) .
5 All that happened was a series of complaints when the results of the overall programme began to affect spending in a particular field .
6 All that appeared was a shot of the sky with the occasional bird flying past .
7 The small Achray Hotel had vanished ; all that remained was a foot of brickwork where its base had been .
8 All that remained was a deep , jagged depression where the Mercedes had once been , encircled by burning fragments of mangled debris .
9 As I watched the figure the lights in the windows would fade and the house would dissolve into darkness again , always out of reach ; all that remained was a certainty that the figure was there , waiting .
10 In one house pulverized by a shell all that remained was a bust of Napoleon , arms folded and facing north as if defying the Germans with its stony glare .
11 Long ago , the broad tactics for the next and final stage of this war had been decided ; all that remained were a host of small decisions and , of course , the normal government of his kingdom .
12 Removing those that remain is a fairly drastic step , which you should only embark on if you have good reason to suspect chemical sensitivity .
13 Not all the pieces have words , but those that do are a potent mixture of mysticism ( Wiracocha was a pre-Inca deity thought to be the creator of all things ) and revolutionary politics ( El Condor vuelve , for example , sees the condor 's flight wrapping ‘ General Sandino ’ , ‘ Che the Hurricane ’ and Allende in a Pan-American revolutionary embrace ) .
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