Example sentences of "[det] that [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Approaches such as these that assess a worker 's competence against nationally-established standards and that issue a qualification regardless of a person 's formal academic background need to be developed for larger groups of paraprofessionals .
2 It emphasized the problem of housing and jobs , but beyond looking at forms of area management and pleas for much financial help , the reports did not give all that clear a lead on policy .
3 Moral virtue was of little interest to Gnostics , whose confidence in their own salvation made all that seem a matter of indifference .
4 So we can say that many that equals a quarter .
5 Thus the conditions of training that generate habituation of the UR ( i.e. those that put a node into the A2 state ) will also result in the stimulus acting as only an inadequate CS — that is , they will also produce latent inhibition .
6 Those that received pre-exposure and conditioning in the same context acquired the CR slowly ( i.e. showed latent inhibition ) ; those that experienced a change of context from exposure to conditioning learned as readily as the control subjects .
7 ‘ Those that bring the inventor wealth and fame , and those that make a fortune for someone else , ’ he says .
8 Very broadly , the algorithms summarised here fall into three groups : those that optimise a parameter ; those that record numeric observations and extrapolate from them ; and those that use real numbers as weights , to choose between alternatives .
9 Collins , which is publishing Mrs Thatcher 's memoirs , is one of those that expect a glut in the market .
10 those that impose a charge on individuals or public funds ;
11 Very few local authorities responded to these recommendations and of those that did a number are in the process of returning to the five to eleven pattern .
12 Accidents more commonly occur in dark stables than those that have a glimmer of light .
13 Spider venoms fall into two main categories : those which affect the nervous system ( neurotoxins ) and those that produce a necrosis , or death of the body tissues .
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