Example sentences of "[det] which have [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Robespierre 's experiment was , scarcely surprisingly , a dismal failure ; and while the delicious dream of a universal , natural and reasonable religion may have an understandable attraction for those who are influenced by but not wholly committed to Christian ( or some other ) belief , it does not appear capable of offering any very stable resting-place , or any adequate defence against the more radical challenges to religion as such which have been raised from without and within Christian theology in modern times .
2 Then there are the negative effects , and it is these which have been stressed in the warnings of computer scientists , university doctors , and in the various confessions of ex-hackers .
3 The record should build upon those which have been maintained for pupils in key stages 1 and 2 .
4 It is fairly obvious to say there are two classes of buildings to be studied — those which still stand , and those which have been destroyed , fallen down , or otherwise disappeared .
5 Although the number of academic studies looking at British monarchical attitudes is surprisingly low , those which have been conducted confirm the consensual nature of public acceptance ( see Blumier et al . ,
6 But the potential of such ‘ working models ’ is well illustrated by those which have been mounted .
7 Firstly , the land forces units shown here are those which have been deployed in full or in significant part .
8 For systems which have evolved on the basis of operational experience rather than those which have been created by a formal design process , job analysis rather than task analysis may be the starting point of human factors studies .
9 The patient ends up not knowing how to differentiate between what are her own thoughts , and those which have been implanted .
10 The Rules of the Fire Offices ' Committee and the Fire Offices ' Committee of Ireland for the Construction of Buildings are those which have been adopted by the Insurance companies , members of the Committee , for the classification of buildings and are based on two grades of construction .
11 Those countries most disposed to economic cooperation with the West are those which have found trade most beneficial ( Hungary , Bulgaria ) , not those which have been treated most generously ( Romania ) , let alone those who have become most trade dependent ( Poland ) .
12 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
13 ( Note that this power applies to any ancient monument , not solely those which have been scheduled . )
14 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
15 ‘ An institution for the purpose of cultivating this art ( of veterinary medicine ) similar to those which have been established some years in France , Germany , Piedmont , Sweden , Denmark , etc. would afford an exhaustless fund of amusement to independent persons , as well as of precious instruction to all .
16 Specific topics being addressed are those which have been suggested as a possible legacy of the dispute , such as irreconcilable bitterness between former working and former striking miners and their families in a ‘ split ’ community ; permanent disaffection from the police and from the institutions of legal and political authority as a whole as a result of experiences within striking communities ; and changing family relationships as a result of the mobilization of women during the dispute .
17 During the First World War , Radek of the Polish party and the Left abstained on national questions ; ‘ Social Democracy does not advocate either an erection of new boundary posts in Europe nor the re-erection of those which have been torn down by imperialism ’ .
18 In addition to those covenants mentioned by Scott LJ above examples of those which have been deemed to touch and concern the land include : a covenant for quiet enjoyment ; a covenant by the landlord agreeing to supply a housekeeper to clean a block of flats ; a covenant in which a landlord agreed not to open a public house within half a mile of the tenanted premises ; a covenant placing an obligation on the tenant to repair ; and a covenant in which the tenant agreed not to carry on a particular trade at the premises .
19 The court will look at restraints imposed upon employees rather more strictly than those which have been agreed between the partners themselves , as there is likely to be an inequality of bargaining power .
20 This is reminiscent of the sort of inversion a fault-finding literary criticism can produce — which is not to deny , which is indeed to admit , that the Arab leaders and polemicists of the region have had their faults , including some of those which have been identified over the years by Commentary .
21 It contained a large number of royal estates : perhaps a third of those which have been identified in the Carolingian Empire .
22 ( In grant-maintained schools — that is , those which have been allowed to opt out of LEA control — the information will be sent by the governors direct to the Secretary of State . )
23 In opposition to the above studies are those which have been carried out by anthropologists , who have applied traditions more central to that discipline .
24 The vines must not be suffering from any disease , nor should the leaves be those which have been distorted by herbicides .
25 Such principles are those which have been worked out by the larger society , not doctors alone , and which embody the moral , philosophical , and spiritual assumptions of that society .
26 The cars which do , are those which have been produced in collaboration with Honda .
27 Of those which have been recommended or demonstrated , Pegasus Mail is used extensively within Edinburgh University , and appears to meet all of our requirements .
28 Offline Integrity carries out checks on the files used by the LIFESPAN Offline System for retention of information relating to files which are to be offlined , those which have been offlined and those which are to be restored from the offline media .
29 Checks are carried out for retention of information relating to files which are to be offlined , those which have been offlined and those which are to be restored from the offline media .
30 The list offered here is not a closed one ; the items put forward are simply those which have been found useful .
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