Example sentences of "[det] which [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 my holiday was later as usual and longer so , you know and there was a couple of other things not related to this which I 'd thought of doing and it 's sort of they evaporated , but erm , we did spend time talking to Ingy earlier in the year , you know , about publicity and I gave her lists of well such as things obvious things like Playback and Newsbeat
2 Beneath this box was another which he had to tick in order to receive the next three months ' editions of the newsletter .
3 The couples were offered alternative Churches at the same time on the same day as that which they 'd planned .
4 This is despite the fact that according to the law report the police officers did not know to which specific pits the pickets were travelling and that some of the evidence of violence on which the police officers relied was that which they had gathered from press and television reports .
5 But Lothar then extracted a further concession , " since he would not have , he said , in the share [ of the regnum ] they were offering him the wherewithal to make good to his own supporters that which they had lost .
6 The amount of land made available to them was , on average , less than that which they had tilled for their own subsistence under serfdom .
7 The climate , terrain and culture of the region could not be more different from that which they had experienced in northern Norway only three months earlier .
8 Obviously , they are by doing this attempting to discharge their own guilts , hide their own feverish obscenities , evade their own personal responsibilities and cleverly avoid gossip or rumour which would be more lethally accurate than that which they have generated themselves .
9 There is a natural tendency to incline towards that which we no longer have , that which we have lost possession of with the passing of time .
10 This arrangement would lack the sonority of that which we have given , but the beauty of the horn in a melody which would suit it so well would be a point very much in its favour .
11 As regards to the non-payment , we are , fifty four pounds goes on in , forty three pounds goes on in , thirty seven pounds goes on in and , all of them greater than that which we have put on simply in order to recollect the poll tax .
12 It is worth noting , however , that Richards 's concept of poetry is similar to that which we have encountered in the previous two chapters , in that poetry for him is simply shorthand for literature that has aesthetic value ; his belief was that the value of literature as a whole lay entirely in its use of the emotive function of language .
13 A problem however presents itself similar to that which we have discussed when considering a ‘ low ’ Christology .
14 Erm the simple fact is that the factors that have gone into the model that which we have used , have been the nineteen ninety one based fertility , mortality and infant mortality rates .
15 Thus , Barker ( 1984 ) , in her study of the Moonies , gave a questionnaire similar to that which she had given to the Moonies to a group of people who were matched with the Moonies with respect to sex , age , and background .
16 He realised with a sense of desperation that he would have to be twice as cunning as his wife if he was to recover that which she had taken from him .
17 Yet , on the day when Harriet saw her off on Penzance station she was afraid that the new way of life Liza had now embarked upon would prove very far removed from that which she had spent under the dedicated care of her former headmistress , Miss Everett .
18 Eventually , in late August , the state legislature approved a budget similar to that which it had rejected on June 30 .
19 The JSP campaign was generally felt to have been less effective than that which it had fought in 1989 .
20 But it 's controlled in a way rather differently to that which it 's controlled now .
21 At first my reply was that which I had given to Macmillan .
22 Again , the same question may be asked as that which I have asked in relation to Schüssler Fiorenza 's work : given that in every age women have been mistreated at the hands of men , how much do present-day women really have in common with biblical women ?
23 Reference was made in the course of the argument to a number of Commonwealth and American decisions , but I have not found in them any reasoning persuasive of a view contrary to that which I have formed in the light of the English and Scottish authorities .
24 It is sufficient to say that the majority view appears to be in line with that which I have formed in the light of the British authorities , and that the dissenting opinion of Wilson J. does not persuade me that that view is wrong .
25 That which I have written is consummated concerning the operation of the sun .
26 There is so much good work in this year 's BT New Contemporaries in addition to that which I have described .
27 But the most significant precision in line B is that which I have mentioned first : the specification of the standard or judge which gives value and significance to the comparison ( 3 ) contained within line A.
28 It was advertising mail , like most of that which he 'd opened on his first visit and later burned in the forest .
29 For even if the setting did not have the same grandeur and the leading characters did not have the same epic cast as twenty years earlier , the role that de Gaulle himself had to play was at least as arduous as that which he had played in the Second World War .
30 The plastic mind of the bank-clerk had been overlaid , coloured , and distorted by that which he had read , and the result as delivered was a confused tangle of other voices most like the mutter and hum through a City telephone in the busiest part of the day .
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