Example sentences of "[det] as i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
2 However , at the tender age of eight I was unaware of all this as I marched from the back gate of Canberra , across a narrow road and into White City for the Borough Primary School Sports .
3 It would also allow me to experiment as much as I likes with the interesting colours of the Winsor & Newton Artists ' Acrylic Colour range and with some of the techniques that are particularly well suited to the acrylic medium .
4 And then we went on to and parked at the start of and walked up one side and back down the other side and that 's as much as I saw of it .
5 Sorry as much as I know about Kelly is he is an Irish U21 international I think he played in Dublin in friendly against Shelbourne about 2 years ago and looked quite OK .
6 I hope you enjoy your bass playing as much as I intend to !
7 I believe that no woman will ever again suffer as much as I have through rank discrimination in the police force . "
8 I HAVE never been as sickened by any criminal as much as I have by Nicholas Vernage , who murdered Sergeant Alan King .
9 I 'm not eating half as much as I did on camp and I 'm starving . ’
10 I 've never looked forward to new stuff from any band as much as I do from the Mondays .
11 For someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock , and I said as much as I leapt into the air .
12 ‘ You mean you want to be alone with me as much as I want to be alone with you ? ’ he enquired .
13 ‘ In as much as I cringe at the thought of making you sick a second time , yes .
14 After all as I tramped around the hillside barns in the frosty air I was working up a better appetite for my turkey than all the millions lying in bed or slumped by the fire ; and this was aided by the innumerable aperitifs I received from the hospitable farmers .
15 Bear with me for a moment more as I come towards it , while I read you yet more lines from another moment of the portrait , and keep in mind , if you will , from a moment ago , Stephen 's contemptuous review of the holders of wealth and power in Ireland .
16 As far as I can tell , we have some sort of unspoken agreement that I keep quiet about not officially existing in return for being able to do more or less as I like on the island and buy more or less what I like in the town .
17 I had been able to have a couple of hours ' sleep here and there since the landings and , most important , I was able to move around more or less as I wanted to .
18 It would be the same as me going to a medical conference or to the stock exchange and telling them where they were going wrong .
19 If someone who said this was asked , ‘ But what do you mean by ‘ It 's afternoon on the Sun ’ ? ’ he might say , ‘ I mean just the same as I mean by ‘ It 's afternoon ’ on the Earth' .
20 I also said that if someone were asked , ‘ But what do you mean by ‘ It 's afternoon on the Sun ’ ? ’ he might say ‘ I mean just the same as I mean by ‘ It 's afternoon ’ on the Earth' .
21 The tackle and techniques I used were exactly the same as I use for pike in the UK .
22 If I 'm going to a club I will wear much the same as I wear for work .
23 I 'm fond of Cora-Beth , very fond , but it is n't the same as I feel for Madeleine and somehow I 'll have to explain that to her .
24 I do n't same as I did with them .
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