Example sentences of "[det] had be [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Judge Sirica 's doubts were confirmed when McCord admitted in March that the defendants had lied at the trial , that they had received payments of over $200 000 to keep quiet and that this had been done from a high level in the White House .
2 By the 14th century there was a mill in the vicinity , then called Slaughter Mill , and by the 18th century , this had been separated from the manorial estate .
3 Clara 's one solace had been the cold , tight dignity of her case , and this had been stolen from her , robbed from her by an elderly woman 's few words of casual humanity .
4 Here altars would be set up within the charnel and the priest would sing the mass in the company of a silent and skeletal congregation — or bits of them , depending on how much had been retrieved from the disturbed graves .
5 Too much had been taken from the ethos of the boys ' schools , including blazers and ties , which are hangovers from male attire of the Edwardian era .
6 Ruth 's thoughts flinched from what it must feel like to be Fand — she seemed hardly to exist , so much had been taken from her .
7 That same year they took up that old chestnut , the inspection of laundries attached to Roman Catholic ( and now Anglican ) nunneries ; they were annoyed that these had been excluded from the Factory Bill then before Parliament .
8 These had been purchased from Atget estate in 1928 by the American photographer Berenice Abbott , then a pupil of Man Ray .
9 About half of these had been won from the moderate middle-class parties and were augmented by the vote of about 6 million new voters , half of whom were young people voting for the first time , and the other half of whom were people who up to now had been too weary , cynical or lacking in hope to vote at all .
10 It emerged that these had been supplied from British army depots on indents supposedly from the police .
11 All had been expelled from the party in February [ see p. 37256 ] .
12 Those taking part were all ten to 11-year-olds and all had been chosen from volunteers at the school .
13 Some 628 officers were made compulsorily redundant — many had been deterred from volunteering because of the recession .
14 One hundred and thirteen had been born at term and the others at a median gestational age of 32 weeks ( range 24–36 ) ; none of the latter had been discharged from their neonatal unit on additional inspired oxygen .
15 Both had been flown from Tangmere while undertaking their world air speed record runs in 1946 and 1953 respectively .
16 Both had been dismissed from the Army for involvement in a previous attempt in May 1988 .
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