Example sentences of "[det] was say [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , Wagaddon , publishers of the magazine , had its own legal bill , but this was said to be less than £35,000 .
2 This was said to be because of the risk of radioactive iodine emitted during the fire getting into people 's thyroid glands .
3 This was said to be ‘ the first Peruvian book of poetry that does not make tribute to a colonial aesthetic . ’
4 This was said to be ‘ erring wildly on the cautious side . ’
5 Too much sugar was being produced , so the excess was made into aguardente ( sugarcane rum ) but this was said to be causing alcoholism as the unemployed took to drinking cheap aguardente .
6 A 1986 U.S. study found an increased risk to expectant mothers , but this was said to be a small sample , which was followed by two further studies .
7 The Maréchal de Bassompierre , again a military man , after another brief embassy to London five years later , was given by Charles I " four diamonds set in a lozenge , and a great stone at the end " : this was said to be worth £7,000 and was perhaps the most valuable present ever given by any English ruler to a foreign diplomat .
8 One of these was said to be a £5m loan to Raper 's master company , the Hong Kong and Netherlands based Gasco Group .
9 However , there was one big kolkhoz consisting of 150 households only 20 versts from Roslavl' that was said to be too well satisfied with itself , and so did not welcome visits from the town .
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