Example sentences of "[det] is no [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 However , 2 rounds after its appearance a very dramatic change flares around it : if the adventurers have backed off this is no problem for them , if they have n't ( e.g. , fear effects have caused people to be rooted to the spot , they 're trying to talk to the Ghost , etc ) then the spirit is a dangerous opponent .
2 This is no hour for conversation .
3 This is no quest for some Utopia .
4 This is no excuse for Sam , but it shows maybe where criticisms like Edwin Muir 's break down .
5 However , this is no excuse for inaction , for a number of systems have been described which are of considerable assistance ; for example , the Telford system which relies largely on professional judgement can be used to good effect ( 1 ) .
6 This is no occasion for jubilation , certainly not celebration .
7 This is no night for hanging about in the air . ’
8 This is no victory for women , even though it is of very important material benefit to them .
9 A decade after the Scarman report on Brixton and on the evidence from our more troubled communities , this is no time for any of us to strike traditional postures .
10 This is no time for sorrow
11 This is no time for delicacy and posing , it is time for strong-arm stuff which would bring looks of admiration from a shark angler and cause a tiddler snatcher to cringe in fear .
12 This is no time for pretending that all will automatically be sweetness and light , just because you have a deep affection for each other .
13 This is no time for divisive talk .
14 This is no time for crying , ’ she told me firmly .
16 This is no time for complacency .
17 This is no time for jokes ! ’
18 This is no time for false modesty , Paige .
19 This is no time for equivocation .
20 But this is no time for Yesterday 's Men .
21 There is no evidence that he thinks they can be argued out of their scepticism , but , since they have convinced neither him nor us , this is no cause for concern .
22 Agendas , minutes and related papers are available For inspection at the school , but this is no substitute for attendance at meetings if public information and debate is fully intended .
23 They are , of course , very adept at absorbing everything in a brief but this is no substitute for a profound knowledge and understanding of the subject .
24 The ideas are presented against a target of full employment , but he warns : ‘ All of this is no substitute for a coherent industrial policy which provides sustainable growth . ’
25 This is no place for a short Sunday afternoon stroll , the paths are very well marked but the going is tough .
26 Clearly this is no place for novices but it is possible for them , if armed with a torch and wearing boots and clothes that do n't matter , to go into one hole and emerge from the other , the two entrance passages converging after fifteen yards of stumbling progress .
27 This is no place for state secrets . ’
28 Shaking me slightly — so that my teeth rattled — it said , ‘ This is no place for you , whoever you may be . ’
29 A battleship may need a lot of ocean to turn around in , but this is no argument for abandoning our commitment to rudders .
30 Thus , for example , while many inmates may sleep in worse conditions outside , this is no argument for making them sleep on concrete if it is not excessively expensive to provide them with cots or hammocks .
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