Example sentences of "[det] it be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Because of this it is often assumed that cleaning staff are familiar with the basics especially when women are employed .
2 From another it was simply teased out tragedy which had begun with the cruelly pragmatic strangulation of the Inca ( King ) Atahualpa in Cajamarca , followed by the systematic looting of the empire 's wealth and the suffering of its peoples till the Inca kingdom was reduced to the forest sanctuary of Vilcabamba .
3 The importance of such rights , and the feeling that they were fundamental to the workings of society , is reflected in the fact that when one ruler ceded territory to another it was usually defined in terms of jurisdictions and local administrative divisions ( on the French frontiers , for example , baillages , prévotés , sénéchaussées or communes ) and not , as would now be the case , in those of lines laid down in precise geographical terms and illustrated by a map .
4 The story of a village choir which forms the basis of the novel was Hardy 's recreation of tales of the experiences of his father and grandfather as church musicians shortly before his own birth , and as such it is clearly drawn from his deepest and happiest memories .
5 As such it is well placed at a centre point to visit all the other treasures of the region .
6 Compaction by mechanical processes involves movement by slippage between grains and the breakage , or fracture , of individual grains ; as such it is sometimes termed brittle compaction .
7 As such it was duly added to the membership roll of the contraption known as the United Nations , which asserts that all nations are equal ( albeit some more so than others ) , with one vote each , just as if they were individual human beings in a right-little tight-little democratic State .
8 As such it was widely interpreted as a personal triumph for Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa , whose position as leader of the party had been less than secure since his election in October 1991 .
9 This relegation - for as such it was undoubtedly construed — to the domestic realm , whilst on the one hand promoting a higher status than before for women in terms of motherhood ( a status generated for society 's structural purposes and needs ) , also resulted in an overall decrease in women 's status generally , for , to use the well known Levi-Straussian model , the domestic unit — i.e. the ‘ biological ’ family concerned with reproducing and socializing new members of society — was seen as separate from the public entity — i.e. the superimposed network of alliances and relationships which comprised society proper , as it were .
10 As such it was eagerly taken up by newly enfranchised members of Roman society .
11 In the third century B.C. Judaea proper was a small part of Palestine : it was almost identifiable with the territory of the city of Jerusalem , and as such it was still envisaged by Polybius in the middle of the second century B.C. ( 16 , fr. 39 ) .
12 With these it is often initiated by acute tail-biting which gets out of hand ‘ and then the attacking pig or pigs continue to eat further into the back .
13 After all it is well known that every type of electromagnetic effect is carried by photons , and we have seen that photons can not escape from within a black hole .
14 If there is a common culture at all it is usually expressed as part of the public world of government and state .
15 First of all it 's fully expensed by us .
16 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
17 Power is legitimate authority in that it is generally accepted as just and proper by members of society as a whole .
18 Although not a true source in that it is not found in published material , the other main source of information about the applications of expert determination is provided by the instances encountered in the course of practice .
19 Article 67 , which is concerned with the free movement of capital , differs from the other ‘ freedoms ’ laid down by the treaty in that it is not drafted in absolute terms .
20 The Roman theatre , when built on a new site , differed from the Greek pattern in that it was generally constructed above ground and not hollowed out from the hillside .
21 It is really my own it was n't given by the government I paid for it .
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