Example sentences of "[det] in the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you 'd told me this in the make-up room when you came to have your hair cut , you 'd have saved yourself a needless journey .
2 Lord Devlin expanded on this in the lorry accident case in 1969 :
3 Certainly there is no mention of this in the marriage ceremony !
4 I cut a sheet up into 1cm squares and placed this in the bird cage .
5 It is therefore most important to provide for this in the expert clause .
6 Unless there is a specific provision about this in the expert clause ( see 8.15.10 ) , the expert will have less authority to impose disclosure on an unwilling party : but he can draw adverse inferences from the failure to disclose .
7 Leeds invariably did this in the championship year .
8 Is this in the flower festival ?
9 You can see this in the adventure novels of Alastair Maclean ; you can see it equally in the intellectual novels of Iris Murdoch .
10 In the absence of any provision concerning this in the court order , the agreement/ declaration of trust made by the parties should seek to cover this .
11 ( iv ) Charging Clause — Specific provision should be made for this in the court order as the trustees ( particularly if there are infants ) can not give themselves power to charge in the declaration of trust without authority .
12 So I er carried on with what they found me with this in the brew house and then er where did I go from there ?
13 The effects of war , however , could also prove potentially damaging in a new way as England became more closely involved with the wider economy in western Europe ; a slump in exports , even if this were due to factors outside English control , could lead to domestic unemployment , and in the 1520s complaints were made about this in the textile areas of Suffolk ( Ch.4 ) .
14 To do this in the College study , each activity drawn out from the model was itemised , and a judgment made as to who , or which functional group , might be responsible for carrying out the task if it existed .
15 If ethical considerations are such that it is appropriate to include this in the engagement letter , the following wording may be appropriate :
16 Do you want me to put this in the bin mum or do you want it ?
17 Doubtless there will be more of this in the Backtrack column , but in the meantime here are the directions to the Shildon Railway ground as given in the Durham County handbook .
18 It must be admitted , however , that there is an exception to this in the rump region of the zebras ' markings .
19 We have already seen some of the emphasis on this in the account Luke gives of Pentecost .
20 He put this in the breast pocket of his leather jacket , next to his heart .
21 Employees ' reports of monitoring for exposure to ionising radiation agreed with the industrial records , except for one mother of a case who reported being monitored , but there was no record of this in the industry databases .
22 Even so , I did feel an enormous sense of anti-climax in the 200 metres heats and semi-finals ; I had not been through this in the Commonwealth Games because of my injury , and my lack of experience showed .
23 You can see all of this in the screen shots .
24 — if there is limited scope to do this in the pension scheme the spotlight should focus on the adequacy of the company 's keyman life cover .
25 PUT this in the piggy bank !
26 Deputy Paddy Harte said : ‘ Until I am satisfied beyond a shadow of doubt that there will be no danger I will oppose this in the County Council , the Dail and even by public demonstration if need be .
27 At development time it is necessary to determine a probability for each of the transitions and store this in the transition matrix .
28 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 157 ) agrees that transactions would have been easier if prices were agreed in terms of a base-commodity — whether gold or silver or something else — but there seems to be no evidence of this in the archive tablets .
29 ‘ Ah , but it ca n't be very evident or I would n't have had to spend an hour and half in the X-ray Department and they would n't have had to take a Complete album of me . ’
30 When substantially into this period , the plan was mooted that TP280 also , with effort , might make the show , few in the Spitfire fraternity thought it possible .
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