Example sentences of "[det] a [noun sg] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 According to his own testimony , when he was Chef de Cuisine at the Petit Moulin Rouge restaurant in the Champs Elysées in the mid 1870s he had had the idea of preserving tomatoes in such a way that they would replace fresh ones at any season .
32 Commonly it means at any instant having several partially-executed programs , among which the computer resources have to be shared in such a way that they interact ( if at all ) only in authorized ways .
33 Suppose that I am supplied with a sequence of electrons which have been prepared in such a way that they are all in the same state of motion .
34 Placing sticks on one another in such a way that they engage and are not readily dislodged is a skill that is easy to underestimate .
35 The interplay between these sequences and the tendency either to see representational figures in pattern , or alternatively to repeat representational figures in such a way that they reduce to pattern , was held by Boas to be the foundation of art and design , providing the basic dimensions which united the diverse media of craft production , music , dance and poetry .
36 From a Weberian point of view the professions can be seen as occupational groups which have succeeded in controlling and manipulating the labour market in such a way that they can maximize their rewards .
37 These rays are refracted by the material of the lens in such a way that they are brought to a focus on the retina , so forming an image of the viewed object .
38 But erm they are built in a such a way that they should cater for the largest vehicle that is likely to use that road .
39 They were fastened together , too , in such a way that they moved with the person — who was Mama .
40 We ca n't we devise publishing concepts which capture children 's imaginations in such a way that they are confident to spend as much time talking about what they have been reading as they are about last night 's episode of ‘ Neighbours ’ ?
41 " The intelligent use of quotations … requires skill : too often quotations are thrust into answers in such a way that they distort argument or lead candidates into ever-increasing irrelevance …
42 The King 's Fund found that good projects involved families in the planning of services and built them in to the system in such a way that they felt their important role was appreciated .
43 In 1830 , 70 English boroughs had 100 or less voters ; Old Sarum and Dunwich were uninhabited constituencies ; and in 1793 it was estimated that 400 Members of Parliament out of a total of around 530 were nominated or dependent on noblemen in such a way that they were likely to lack the chance to display any real independence of mind in their parliamentary behaviour .
44 The ions and electrons in the wind move with respect to each other in such a way that they constitute electric currents which sustain a magnetic field : it is not the outward motion of the wind as a whole which generates the field .
45 Palmer ( 1971 ) points out that " as linguists we must write our grammars in such a way that they relate to semantics as well as phonetics — our grammar must be sensitive to semantics ' .
46 Apart from errors and omissions these are defined in the National Accounts in such a way that they come to the same value .
47 Striding across the room , he thrust his harsh , angry face towards hers , ‘ Oh , yes , Hilary , you explained , and in such a way that they thought you could n't be bothered . ’
48 We will happily publish the bouquets and brickbats , identifying a firm in such a way that they know who they are !
49 Under the Advanced Courses Development Programme HNC and HND courses are being redesigned in such a way that they will be built up from Higher National Units .
50 It is necessary to organise the compounds in such a way that they are treated in a similar manner to individual words .
51 My Bill would establish a new constitutional settlement for Scotland , create a Parliament with a fixed four-year term , provide for elections by a system of proportional representation , establish a Bill of Rights , create the office of ombudsman , give to the Parliament revenue-raising responsibility , entrench these arrangements in such a way that they could not be changed without the consent of both the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments and provide that all Scottish domestic affairs should be the responsibility of a Parliament sitting in Edinburgh , reserving foreign affairs , defence and large-scale economics to Westminster .
52 Perhaps if there really was ( and is ) ‘ widespread discontent … about the quality of education ’ , the best remedy would be to enhance teaching as a profession so as to attract and retain the best recruits , by paying them proper salaries and by promoting those who teach well , in such a way that they stay in the classroom instead of becoming administrators .
53 Some adjustments can amount to a loss of steadfastness , others can lead to values becoming curtained or shadowed in such a way that they are no longer clear to other people .
54 The purpose of the apparatus was to file world trade marks in such a way that they could be easily produced to check for similarity and prior registration .
55 One trader might try to " cash in " on the goodwill and reputation of another trader by dressing up his goods in such a way that they look like those of that other trader .
56 In The Scale Hilton will talk about it in terms of remaking — reforming — those elements of the self which he calls the " ' [ powers ] of the soul ( Scale 2 , 31.106v — 258 ) — mind , reason and will — in such a way that they reflect the likeness of God in whose image they were created .
57 It is not for teachers to tell them what to believe or value , but it is for them to try to equip pupils in such a way that they can enter into the debate and develop a coherent and perceptive worldview for themselves .
58 It is essential that the data are preserved in such a way that they continue to be accessible over time .
59 Suppose , for example , we had as our task the programming of two robots in such a way that they could systematically aid one another in an open range of tasks : what properties beyond the specific abilities required for the tasks would they need to have ?
60 Clauses 12 and 13 of Precedent 1 rely on the principles in that discussion to pass the test of reasonableness , and are drafted in such a way that they apply to all types of breach however caused ( including by reason of wilful default ) .
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