Example sentences of "[det] and [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was er one foolscap plus of , of words you know , explaining what , what they 'd done and all this and why they 'd done it !
2 cream and grow potatoes and all this and probably they have bees and sell honey and you know they eat er they really try to be self- sufficient sort of community as much as they can .
3 And then again , you say all this and yet you say you 're too tired to swim ? "
4 Er you said you 've had a erm contact with , discussions with the officers over this and certainly I 've spoken to them a an they this is the case .
5 I was intrigued by this and so he went to the store room and eventually returned with a pile of prints .
6 Watching every movement , and she put him on and put his blanket on the ground and he was laying there in his handful of this and so she said come to me then and she put something on the floor she said well you know you go to it , I ai n't gon na give it to you and he 's she said well no , you 've got ta try !
7 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
8 Well I du n no , I mean on the one hand in nine in nineteen forty five I think it was , they were saying you know well in order to do , have s s s successful land reform you need three conditions , they said the same thing in nineteen forty eight , they said you need this , this , this and then we have to be militarily secure but then in nineteen forty six they 're saying no , do n't worry about it , just get the land reform sorted out , just do it .
9 thought he 'd cut and things like this and then they showed you the chap the next day and he was completely different !
10 Well , we had about an hour of this and then she asked me if I had any romantic plans of my own .
11 Yeah and then she 's already cut it up into twelfths like this and then she thinks about asking them who wants pizza and there 's only four of them want pizza after all this trouble .
12 Goes round like this and then it goes square at the back .
13 Yeah I know but he did say that even though agents I 'm not giving you this and then he showed me all the things you know to sort of prove that he was doing it .
14 Despite all this and more we decided that the asking price of £28,000 was about right and six months later the purchase was completed and we moved in .
15 Ethirajulu Krishnan , director for CARE , in Somalia says : ‘ We are trying to deal with all this and still we know that we are only reaching the tip of the iceberg .
16 Can we in the alternative put our case if that is a fait accompli then there must be something for the local communities to be derived from this and therefore we went for protection under one O six agreement as Stewart quite rightly refers to and we also went for the dedication of large areas of the resultant heap for landscaping and for public open space .
17 because if someone else says that and then all of a sudden I did n't know this and now I know it .
18 When they were very expensive I just bought two for us to change a bit and then I thought right now they dropped half and then I bought some more
19 I just did half and half and then I built up with the second couple of days then I did twenty minutes and then by the end of the week I went twenty five minutes half an hour .
20 next week , but Ruxley had quite a few seeds out and erm , Nana was gon na buy some and then she said er , she , she 'll leave it , she 'll go down to Pole Hill first cos they said they 'll be out
21 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
22 You let them play against one another and sometimes you transfer a player from one club to another , so that it builds up a mutual admiration society .
23 Well , not really but they have been disillusioned over the years they 've promised so much and then they 've never seemed seemed to get anywhere but I think , I honestly think they would , people would get behind them , if they could see they were going somewhere I mean like this season they seem to have fallen away yet again .
24 I find that absolutely because you know my stories I can only write so much and then I stop and think about then and then I write some more .
25 BLACKADDER GOES FORTH in which Hugh Laurie shouts too much and then I RENOUNCE WAR does conscientious objectors .
26 And they get very uptight if they get erm too much and then it 's reduced rather than the other way round .
27 right , you did that much and then you re-wound it back to the beginning then , it 's stubborn that it wo n't do it , it will not re-wind
28 It 's too much , if you ever have too much you can just fold a bit down , if you have a big bandage you can fold either of those edges down first if you 've got too much and then you fold it forward and back , now your pin sticks in , but all the material and out of all the material and it goes in a straight upward direction , again it must go in that direction so that if per chance it comes undone it falls out and drops on the floor , whereas if it was sideways or downwards it would open and stick in your casualty , so that 's why we have it done that way .
29 I think it 's their attitude because with Mr Price we get away with so much and then he says , no , and we have a real good old time .
30 Okay so let's see , okay things that I bought , right how much and now we need quite a bit sort of across there if we can , if we can get it .
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