Example sentences of "[det] and [pron] think [conj] " in BNC.

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1 well I 'm a bit puzzled why , why you want to know all this and you think because I have n't given , given a good benefit that 's why a good temporary benefit , that 's why I 'm puzzled , say well let me just take you back to why I 'm h why I 'm here , let me get out of our meeting you 're gon na find this extremely valuable , perhaps for the first half we will spend time looking at your financial put you on the path to achieve financial .
2 I think a lot of people who suffer from asthma type diseases here do suffer quite severely erm because of this and I think that at some point we 're probably going to have to , to look at it and try and devise a system which , which allows us to pick up the grass .
3 without protest from a parent , without a protest from a hunter without a protest from er a anyone else , that is a shame , because I tell you what , if you go drag hunting , you can keep the jobs the people are still going to have to shoe the horses traders and people like that are still going to have to produce the carriages to take the horses with them and the only people job jobs are in jeopardy are not the kennel staff it 's the terrier men and to be quite honest , ladies and gentlemen , it 's the terrier men who have actually ruined your sport , cos of what they get up to in nineteen ninety three is a disgust and at the end of the day your P R has been absolutely wrong and I hope this afternoon that Conservatives and Liberals can join with us and I 've got to thank a certain Liberal because he 's he 's put his head on the block on several occasions on this when we stood on the platform as individuals , not as politicians , as individuals on this and I think that this afternoon we 've got a way forward , we can say to the hunt , come and talk you change , we 'll give you access .
4 It 's very helpful for both sides of the community , I 'm sure , to have contact like this and I think that the programme is usually very well devised in that you do have something either of mutual interest or one area and then the other area so that we can be informed about erm what 's going on in the other section of the community .
5 Neville is the typo visual type movement , which someone like April Grieman Type ninety is also in , and I admire this and I think that what Neville Brody did in the early issues of the Face you know just blew me away ; it was the most exciting thing that anyone had done in years .
6 You know because if you are going to ask an employer to enter into a contract between the between an individual employee , then really you 've got to give him some advantages to do that and I think that er I do n't know what the figures are or the number of final salary pension schemes that have been launched in the last couple of years , but I should think it be , be quite few and I think that there is a difficulty that if we go too far in taking power away from the er from the employer , erm then I , I can see the demise of final salary pension schemes , so I think one 's got to keep a balance there of erm you know that i that you must n't turn the employee off completely from this type of scheme .
7 and my heart went some where else and I think erm , the , the marriage erm , the love in my marriage was definitely killed by an act which my partner did and I would fall into the crimes of passion I think because I mean to , to me he committed the deadly sin of all and that was adultery and I could never forgive him for that and I think that picks up on a lot , many issues which have been raised tonight about you have to have trust in a partnership , you have to give and take and people change and some people can accept all that but I was not willing to do so .
8 We owe them that and I think that the House should approve the guillotine motion .
9 and er life is like that and I think that your average omnibus or forty four home tonight are , sometimes you will get married and you have affairs and kids are born out of wedlock .
10 You know because if you are going to ask an employer to enter into a contract between the between an individual employee , then really you 've got to give him some advantages to do that and I think that er I do n't know what the figures are or the number of final salary pension schemes that have been launched in the last couple of years , but I should think it be , be quite few and I think that there is a difficulty that if we go too far in taking power away from the er from the employer , erm then I , I can see the demise of final salary pension schemes , so I think one 's got to keep a balance there of erm you know that i that you must n't turn the employee off completely from this type of scheme .
11 So , I do n't , I do n't personally see that as a direct threat at all and I think that also our , our er , our newspapers do n't have any particular political bias of any sort , I think they treat each issue on its merits .
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