Example sentences of "[det] of these [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 About two thirds of infections occur in the first five days and more than half of these are apparent at birth .
2 There are just over 100 members of the Library Booksellers Group , but half of these are local retail shops selling to one or two local libraries , whilst others are mainly retail shops with some public library accounts .
3 At least half of these are likely to die before they reach a year old .
4 Some of these are official , in that senior managers do not allow policewomen to carry arms , from which follows some restrictions on where policewomen cam be stationed , and on their involvement in high-profile political policing , such as at riots .
5 Now I suppose some of these ARE useful ( although I 'm not sure which ones ) but I am sure that none of them help develop my ‘ personal , moral and social values ’ as claimed by the school prospectus .
6 Some of these are available to all households ( e.g. child benefit ) while others are income or age related .
7 Indeed some of these are unwanted pets , but we are proud to show batches of young animals bred from these unfortunate exiles .
8 Yes I fully accept that some of these are relevant at each level .
9 Some of these are similar to the problems found in any large organisation .
10 Some of these are complete movements , and could possibly represent blanks that he had managed to fill , as Shedlock suggested .
11 Some of these are amenable to government action and some are influenced by the behaviour of key groups in the society , including management and trade unions .
12 Some of these are familiar to readers of this book .
13 Some of these are compatible with the commitment made to a spouse , others compete for priority .
14 Some of these are unconscious victims .
15 Some of these are fruitful ; some are excessively arid .
16 Some of these are medical doctors but many are ‘ lay ’ practitioners ( i.e. practitioners without an orthodox medical training ) .
17 Some of these are scientific matters , and in fact their skills in the use of these scientific matters .
18 Some of these are breathtaking .
19 Some of these are concerned with matters deep in political controversy .
20 Some of these are basic commands taught later ; some are short cuts ; others are advanced commands .
21 Another significant area of outstanding work is late benefit applications which total over 30,000 at the present time although some of these are speculative and some also apply to Community Charge as well as Council Tax .
22 Some of these are extreme examples , some not .
23 Some of these are unknown in the autochthonous succession of the Italian mainland , for example the great masses of serpentinite and associated rocks seen near the west coast .
24 Some of these are responsible for capturing and digesting food , while others form the gas-filled blue balloon which allows the animal to float on the sea 's surface .
25 Some of these are footloose industries , such as the aluminium plants in Scotland utilizing cheap hydroelectric power , while others are based on the processing of agricultural products , including milk , meat and vegetables .
26 Obviously any of the rest of you may feel some of these are irrelevant , or that other important ones should be added .
27 Some of these are indirect ways of reducing speeds , but nowhere is the direct way used ie a change in the law to bring speed limits below 50 km/h , applied street by street or across a zone , delimited by signs , enforced by the police , publicised widely , and then supported by infrastructural measures to ensure compliance as well as by environmental enhancement to reinforce perception of the changing function of the street to one of pedestrian ownership .
28 Some of these are obvious .
29 Some of these are dotty by anyone 's standards .
30 Some of these are unavoidable , others are said to result from the use of animal insulin , which differs slightly in structure from human insulin .
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