Example sentences of "[det] of which will [be] " in BNC.

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1 The lottery is expected to raise around £1 billion per year , about half of which will be used to support the arts ( in particular the national heritage ) , with the remainder allocated to protection of the environment , sports and charities .
2 Each will cover between 40 and 80 square miles , about half of which will be cloaked in trees .
3 The context consists of a set of elements some of which will be sampled along with elements of the target stimulus on each exposure .
4 The total of these requirements — some of which will be spread over several years — will give a good indication as to how much you have left to offer for the freehold or rent .
5 There are many other self-help methods available , some of which will be dealt with later in other sections of this book .
6 The central argument in the book is that there are a variety of ways of organising work , some of which may be more efficient than others , some of which will be preferred by workers , and others which may be preferred by managers .
7 Thus although it may be the case that communicative demands result in error because the learner does not have enough time to access second language systemic knowledge , equally they may do so because such demands quite naturally lead learners to call upon whatever resources they have at their disposal , some of which will be drawn from their own language .
8 The company is currently debt-free with a cash reserve of $31m , some of which will be used for acquisitions .
9 The university has its own printing press , radio and TV studios with portable equipment and computers , some of which will be available to the conference .
10 The university has its own printing press , radio and TV studios with portable equipment and computers , some of which will be available to the conference .
11 However , such a comparison is invalid for several reasons , some of which will be addressed in the concluding section of this chapter .
12 Evidently , any given document will consist of a variety of language structures , some of which will be general ( i.e. not exclusively associated with any particular domain ) and some domain-specific ( i.e. with restrictions on word senses , etc . ) .
13 Even though the individual shopper will often find some functional justification for his or her particular choice , as being especially practical , other reasons , some of which will be analysed in later chapters , may be adduced , relating to social rather than functional considerations which may more convincingly account for the majority of purchases .
14 Developments have taken place in improved testing and segmentation , some of which will be familiar as they have already appeared here , specifically geo-demographic profiling .
15 There are four national events , some of which will be familiar .
16 In practice the situation is not quite so simple , and many measurements and checks must be made by the TL scientist , only a few of which will be mentioned here .
17 This , though , is probably the most popular modern vision of the Pacific — a vision of a place of unbridled growth , vigour and wealth , one that has helped to spawn modish concepts like the Pacific Rim , the Pacific Basin and the Pacific Community ( each of which will be considered in detail later ) .
18 These three kinds of explanation , each of which will be explored in this chapter , are not mutually exclusive , but they do have different theoretical and policy implications .
19 Quantitative forecasting techniques comprise three main groups , each of which will be considered in turn .
20 The Act creates six offences , all of which involve the use of language or material that is ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting , ’ each of which will be considered in turn .
21 5.1 In considering the rate at which course proposals can be validated , the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee recognised that there would have to be a range of validation models , each of which will be tailored to the course and the centre .
22 Illuminative evaluation is a long process involving the collection of a large amount of data and opinions , much of which will be conflicting and difficult to synthesize .
23 The show will feature guitars , basses and amplifiers as well as the latest in sound processing and studio technology — much of which will be available for you to fiddle with to your heart 's content — and continuous live demos will be taking place on stage throughout the full two days .
24 Dave has spent some 20 years researching this fascinating subject and of the 1,000 or so entries there is a wealth of detail — much of which will be brand new to the reader and possibly just down the road !
25 This short review of the changing styles of sociological research has inevitably left out a great deal , much of which will be discussed elsewhere in this book .
26 Plans exist to log 250,000 hectares of virgin rainforest and replace it with a palm oil plantation , much of which will be worked by migrant labour from Indonesia 's main islands .
27 Outdoor shops are just sports shops , but instead of a seedy man with a moustache selling you nylon football strips and tennis balls , outdoor shops stock only merchandise connected with hill-walking , climbing , skiing and sometimes canoeing , all of which will be offered to you by rosy-cheeked young sales people in fleecy tops .
28 This leads to some repetition , but not enough to detract from the valuable information the book contains , not all of which will be familiar even to the keen naturalist , and some of the thoughts are challenging .
29 I would like to ask your readers if they would write to me concerning their experiences in trying to get an idea developed to the production stage , all of which will be treated in the strictest confidence .
30 Dumping will be prohibited from mid-1993 and the MMA plant is being doubled in capacity to 200 000 tonne pa producing some 600,000 tonnes of waste , all of which will be handled by the new plant .
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