Example sentences of "[det] may [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A newly arrived unskilled Mediterranean worker living in a run-down neighbourhood in a Scandinavian city is more likely to feel , and appear , in some significant ways more socially incompetent that a middle-class , professional native living in the suburbs : even though the boundaries for each may be comparable in kind and number , for the skilled and socialised native the boundaries be relatively more open than for the unskilled and unsocialised gästarbetare .
2 There is a lot of cellular activity , that may be relevant to behaviour , that does not get translated into action potentials .
3 I am therefore of the opinion that the power of the court to make an order under section 236 is not limited to documents which can be said to be needed ‘ to reconstitute the state of the company 's knowledge ’ even if that may be one of the purposes most clearly justifying the making of an order .
4 Erm and that may be one of the way is which apparently affectionate abuse , if you can call it that , erm may be er in some ways more difficult to deal with than er than more frankly violent abuse .
5 Erm that may be fine in America but we did n't think it was particularly relevant to this country although there 's nothing to stop anyone patrolling if they want to but we do n't particularly advise it .
6 which we can be sure , or think we can be sure , of biological connection is always very narrow ; but sociological kinship , which depends only on our willingness to slot individuals into particular verbal categories , can be extended as far as we like , or rather as far as local convention requires , and that may be thousands of miles and include many thousands of individuals .
7 All of that may be true of various couplets of Hebrew poetry , but it is quite other than what is being urged in this paper .
8 That may be true in general , but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return , and puts on tremendous pressure to get that change , ’ one official said .
9 Erm but we were encouraged of course for it to go er as your savings and er something I heard that , that may be interesting to you er and er he just said to me in this other club , but again we were talking about , I think we 'd talking politics then and we 're not supposed to do it was a church club .
10 That may be satisfied by giving the individual more responsibility or more challenging work .
11 That may be half of what Darren paid for it , but in absolute terms it 's incredibly low depreciation over 40,000 and adds up to an excellent value motoring package .
12 The tape-recording may also preserve a good deal that may be extraneous to the text — coughing , chairs creaking , buses going past , the scratch of a match lighting a cigarette .
13 And that may be okay in a departmental level but when I had an integrated global enterprise operating in integrated fashion around an integrated I T system then clearly I can not afford to allow a failure to actually paralyze the system .
14 If we were just gon na bolt together the two unions then that may be able to be done in a couple of years or so , but if we 're trying to build something better , then we 're talking about a project that takes place over several years .
15 Some may be attributable to the initial aim of the binary policy to create a sector with a more applied or vocationally relevant emphasis and ethos , although the extent to which that was eroded in the 1970s by ‘ academic drift ’ is open to question ( Pratt and Burgess 1974 ; Donaldson 1975 ; Neave 1978 , 1979b ) .
16 In modern societies written records are kept by all kinds of agencies , and some may be available to social researchers .
17 Once all the information has been incorporated , the sequence of phases will have been assigned dates at various points , although these will be of differing quality : some may be accurate to a few years , others only to the nearest couple of centuries .
18 One important distinction between these types of society is that some may be resistant to further development while others facilitate it , and thus a contrast is established between the development of society in Western Europe , through feudalism to capitalism , and the relative immutability of Asiatic societies .
19 Amnesty is concerned that those who remain detained may not be receiving adequate medical treatment for the seriousness of their conditions and some may be close to death .
20 ‘ And some may be worried about taking on a player with his record .
21 In addition , if you are treating your pets outside , avoid using a spray near a pond , as this may be toxic for fish .
22 This may be unacceptable to the vendor .
23 One explanation for this may be that for many jobs it is high productivity which leads to low job satisfaction .
24 As postulated by Smith ( 1969 , 103 ) , this may be indicative of influence from the west country .
25 However , it is strongly rumoured that this may be sometime in the early part of 1992 , when some amendments to the Building Regulations are to be introduced .
26 While this may be suitable for certain types of business customer and private individuals transferring money into other bank accounts or investments , it is clearly unsuited to small purchases .
27 This may be appropriate in an organisation like the Army where discipline and the carrying out of orders is essential to the success of that organisation .
28 Though this may be understandable in their case , it is not typical of society as a whole .
29 This may be necessary for reasons of motivation , innate intelligence , interests , time for study , time of arrival into class as well as the students ' linguistic abilities .
30 ‘ You realize , Poole , ’ said Mr Utterson , ‘ that this may be dangerous for us both ?
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