Example sentences of "[det] would [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This 'd be the hypotenuse and this 'd be the adjacent .
2 This would be the first example of Community rules crossing the Atlantic .
3 David had originally made a demo with John Hutchinson , a demo which had been taken to Philips who were releasing in this country for Mercury Records in America , and they all agreed that this would be the first single under that contract . ’
4 This would be the first time that Japan 's ‘ self-defence ’ forces had operated far from home .
5 This would be the first public acknowledgment of the role of union leaders in a Labour victory .
6 And it is true that if , for example , there were a library catering specifically for the mentally retarded , this would be the first to be closed because it would create the greatest publicity .
7 This would be the first party since the Christmas and New Year round of celebrations , and it would set the tome and standard for the rest of the year .
8 She was always interested in fashion , and this was her favourite shop , so it 's quite likely this would be the first place she 'd come to . ’
9 This would be the first stage of an overland communication with India ; and it would also be of immense advantage for Britain 's trade with Europe , valuable to all parties .
10 But an intimate dinner at the château was another matter altogether — because this would be the first time she 'd as much as set eyes on him since he 'd walked away from her outside this very room on that awful night .
11 Pauline Kenward welcomed the teachers who had come from Norfolk to share the day with London teachers and expressed the hope that this would be the first of many such visits .
12 This would be the first opportunity that your potential client has to meet you , remember first impressions do count .
13 The complication has been that because last year 's trading profits were lower than expected we did n't have any taxable profits against which to claim back this A C T so as this would be the first year in which taxable profits would arise unless we 'd not been unless we 'd been able to find some other way of dealing with it the A C T which we pay would not have been recoverable till January ninety five .
14 This would be the first psychological blow .
15 An example of this would be the concerted efforts to clear the cataract backlog ( Thomas et al , 1989 ) .
16 They can abandon the reading , characterising it as obscure or nonsensical ( this would be the autonomous reader-dominated node of the network ) .
17 Before the election Mr Smith , then Shadow Chancellor , forecast that this would be the only way to make the Tory sums add up — although John Major denied it .
18 This would be the only possible course for a strict Benthamite .
19 This would be the appropriate tense for the writing of that paradoxical genre , ‘ contemporary history ’ .
20 This would be the appropriate point to call in some modern philosophers who have discussed these issues , and an excursus into the work of Edmund Husserl , Max Scheler , Alfred Schutz , Georg Simmel , and others would be of undoubted value .
21 If you 'd been working with this angle instead , we did n't know that and we 're trying to work with this one or we say we 're interested in this angle so that will be the opposite and this would be the adjacent .
22 Clearly the RAF would be happy to show me their trophy-winners — while my cunning instincts told me that this would be the best place to do food-tasting !
23 Everybody had thought that this would be the best idea since bringing back the death penalty .
24 One might add , however , that if member countries achieved and sustained fixed parities then this would be the virtual equivalent of a single European currency .
25 If cats had nightmares , this would be the ultimate .
26 Examples of this would be the Bantu concord system , where , if you change the noun to a noun of another class , all the affixes in the noun phrase must also be changed .
27 Lucy had already decided that this would be the wisest course for her to take .
28 With memory widely advertised at about £30 per Mb I thought this would be the perfect Christmas present to myself .
29 Women with hardly any make-up and short haircuts are never shown , as this would be the stereotypical lesbian , which advertisers are at pains to avoid !
30 This would be the second time Mike 's mother had looked after Catherine .
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