Example sentences of "[det] could be [vb pp] without " in BNC.

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1 Before the conversion of Granby House , it was not clear how this could be done without incurring enormous expense .
2 The need , however , was for a permanent body to deal with matters affecting Nonconformity , to encourage unity amongst the various denominations or at least to cut down on needless competition , to present a united Nonconformist ‘ witness ’ when required and to give a ‘ Nonconformist ’ answer to political questions whenever possible , that is , when this could be done without alienating the Methodists , especially the Wesleyans .
3 The army captain and the naval navigator practised swimming ashore at night , taking turns to act the part of a sentry while the other stalked around the acting guard until this could be done without the swimmer being detected .
4 But new barriers were built up at every step , so he continued to seek an opportunity to resign , if this could be done without disobedience to the will of God .
5 But first it was necessary to take the village of Longueval : the two positions were considered as one objective , since neither could be held without the other .
6 What came forward was the lowest common common denominator , the least er the least that could be agreed without any argument .
7 Henry Erskine 's correspondents could have added to their list several other varieties of revenue officer , judicial appointments , university chairs , first appointments in the army or the navy , and where these could be obtained without purchase , advancement in rank in these services , Indian and colonial patronage , and much more .
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