Example sentences of "[det] as [pers pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Wait , calm yourself , sabiha tieghi , my beautiful one , ’ he teased softly , unbuttoning his shirt with fingers which shook almost as much as hers had done .
2 The fields became parched and brown and the cattle required additional concentrate feed much as they had done the previous year .
3 We found Royston much as we had left it .
4 Her own strong and unthinking rejection of him had shocked her as much as it had shocked him .
5 The game exploded into life very much as it had done in Glasgow .
6 And the tone of the voice seemed to surprise Sister Aloysius as much as it had done the Mother Superior .
7 Unemployment problems put paid to Labour 's political prospects in the early 1930s just as much as it had helped the party to rise to political power in the 1920s .
8 For , proving that he cared for his family every bit as much as it had seemed , he said , ‘ Hello , Travis , come in .
9 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
10 In attempting to deflect opinion from the disappointments of the previous winter and the lack of prospect of an early end of the war and to revamp morale through blaming others for Germany 's misfortunes — much as he had done in the years before 1933 — Hitler had lifted a corner of the veil of the ‘ Führer myth ’ and revealed a glimpse of the arbitrary , dictatorial , and irrational way he responded to the first reverses he and the nation had had to suffer .
11 Proceeding much as he had done with his houses , Edouard first refurbished them .
12 Indeed , very much as he had imagined it .
13 He had fantasized about her death almost as much as he had fantasized about Elinor 's .
14 However , glancing at Pat , it seemed to have gone pretty much as he had expected .
15 It was much as I had expected .
16 Although the story was my own , the background was very much as I had remembered it , the characters very much as I had remembered them .
17 Although the story was my own , the background was very much as I had remembered it , the characters very much as I had remembered them .
18 Linnet — who could doubt it ? — had endured untold agonies beneath her cool , just a shade too persistent smile , finding little consolation , perhaps , but hardly so much as she had pretended , in the renewed attentions of Uriah Colclough .
19 Because when , without so much as a scrap of protest , Ven had let go of her just now , she had started to get the idea that perhaps he had n't desired her anywhere near as much as she had wanted him .
20 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
21 The pattern was much as she had described it .
22 Although only sixteen , she was not much shocked by his attempts , but she was alarmed by her own lack of response , for she did not fancy him nearly as much as she had fancied the infinitely tedious Higginbotham .
23 She was very much as she had expected to be , having found in her marriage nothing to surprise her nor to cause her the least distress .
24 He had not quietened down at all as he had grown older — far from it — and could not now be still for a single moment .
25 For her , the evening had not turned out at all as she had hoped .
26 In 1933 roughly 4,000 banks shut their doors , and the United States was left with only half as many as it had had in 1929 .
27 In general , most people reckon that the cost of credit they have been using is more or less as they had planned .
28 She was sitting beside Ken , who looked depressingly the same as he had done the previous night .
29 Miller believed Bartram 's Dwarf Cherry to be the same as he had figured ; he had received the stones via Paris and Canada and , easily propagated , it was now common in gardens .
30 It was the same as she had told Rain .
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