Example sentences of "[det] a [noun] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was no great enthusiasm for Gloucester , but equally there was no great opposition to him , and Buckingham engineered the situation in such a way that on 25th June Edmond as Mayor and other leading citizens offered the crown to Gloucester , who eventually accepted .
2 The technique learned during those years did n't fail him on this occasion , for he stepped forward , swung the bitel in such a way that to my amazement and also that of the onlookers , the disc just sprang up the standard and hit the gong with a resounding clang , whereupon Dad modestly collected his prize of a coconut , handed it to me to carry and we went on our way .
3 However , the fact that an employer may have evidence to support his claim does not preclude the employee from arguing that the employer has conducted himself in such a way that despite an express clause confidentiality no longer exists .
4 This wire is connected with a Tell Tale Bell in the Signal Box at each end of the tunnel in such a way that upon the wire being cut or broken the bells will commence ringing and the Signalman is made aware that something has happened .
5 It not infrequently happens that ambiguous readings are related in such a way that in certain contexts one reading entails the other .
6 If the economic and social structure of our community develops in such a way that in retrospect it seems a conventionalist strategy would have been more suitable , then pragmatism will already have brought the reigning pattern of adjudication very close to conventionalism .
7 We have seen how when the tonic syllable is followed by a tail the tone is carried by the tonic plus tail together in such a way that in some cases practically no pitch movement is detectable on the tonic syllable itself .
8 I was such a misery that by the end of the first week Elise asked a friend to help out in the shop , and packed me off to join him . ’
9 I was in love before I left England and the hope of marriage was such a spur that with help from the two Williams , I was able to pass with distinction not only two , but three exams .
10 By contrast , in the act of saving Europe from itself , the USA stimulated its own economic recovery from the collapse of the 1930s to such a level that by 1945 its economic strength presented the major barrier to economic recovery for the industrialised world .
11 Indeed , political argument , policy-making and economic analysis were suffused with an increasing flow of statistical data which in range and scale was quite unlike anything which had been experienced before : to such a degree that by the end of the period under review the rate at which data were being generated exceeded , probably by a wide margin , the capacity to apply them in practical economic action .
12 Occasionally , a cock is such a winner that despite being a potential goldmine for its owner it is reprieved from further battle and enters the mythology of the tribe as a sort of Spartacus Chicken .
13 Japanese spending is increasing at such a rate that by the mid-1990s the country may surpass the United States in its expenditure on space science .
14 Suppose that the lawmakers in England and Victoria have determined the concept of ‘ honesty ’ not only differently but in such a manner that on identical facts an individual would be dishonest' and therefore liable to conviction for theft in Victoria but ‘ honest ’ and therefore fall to be acquitted in England .
15 That such contracts have done so may be taken to show with at least strong prima facie force that , moulded under the pressures of negotiation , competition and public opinion , they have assumed a form which satisfies the test of public policy as understood by the courts at the time , or , regarding the matter from the point of view of the trade , that the trade in question has assumed such a form that for its health or expansion it requires a degree of regulation .
16 A DOCUMENTARY programme from NBC-TV in January 1973 , had such an impact that in the following 48 hours more than a quarter of a million copies of the associated book were sold .
17 It became Minton 's second home , to such an extent that on one occasion when he walked into the Caves de France , a long , dark , rather Spartan bar which had a club licence and stayed open during the afternoons , he confronted a crowd of around fifteen of his friends , a throng he himself had largely created through introducing one to another .
18 Queen Victoria went there for the first , very influential time in 1889 , though even before that the surprisingly large English community in Pau had begun to colonize it , to such an extent that by the 1870s not only did the Church of England have congregations in Biarritz but they were already schismatic and the Archbishop of Canterbury had to travel out on a pastoral visit to try and stifle the factionalism .
19 Comfortably seated in a television studio or before a television set , we tend to forget that experience and offer pious hopes that public transport will improve to such an extent that in some miraculous way new roads will be unnecessary .
20 The Reich bought from members and supported the association to such an extent that in 1942 they celebrated their 75th anniversary with a big exhibition of German women artists !
21 Er I think in this context strength to strength is talking about market share , erm Frank er was saying how we 've made considerable gains in relation to the opposition and er such an extent that in fact er it had to join up with the er er er with the other financial newspaper , but Frank would you , would you like to add ?
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