Example sentences of "[det] be [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although communists were a nuisance it was fascist anti-semitism which caused the real headache ; if this were outlawed then the problem would be removed .
2 Colleagues this is taking away the trade union 's right to negotiate a redundancy package on behalf of our members we need to negotiate a package when it 's required for the members and for the members being forced out of their jobs with just a statutory they should recompense their service .
3 If this is done courteously the call may be transferred to that person .
4 If this is done then the status of the file and the action that has been taken can be easily verified by others .
5 If this is done efficiently no further treatment will be necessary .
6 This is made all the easier after first experiencing the hover at the ‘ edge ’ .
7 If this is achieved then a sentence is produced otherwise failure is announced .
8 This is increased fro the normal 12,000opm ( orbits per minute ) to 13,500opm , for faster material removal without compromising the finish .
9 This is to name only a few .
10 Designing the placement programme is a question of understanding the process which is operating and the effect this is having as the experience proceeds .
11 Comparatively few consultants had directly approached search firms for a job , but this is becoming more the case , especially in the USA , and will become more common as executive search becomes more generally accepted and regarded as an attractive career in its own right .
12 With ball-valves the best remedy is complete replacement of the old valve with an equilibrium type ; this is designed so the valve can not be forced open by the incoming water pressure , only by movement of the float arm .
13 This was confirmed only a few days ago when yet another visit to the garage became necessary , this time through no fault of the Metro 's .
14 By then the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign had grown , but by just how much was to take even the organizers of that day 's protest to the United States Embassy by surprise .
15 These are offered once a month on Saturdays , from 9.30am .
16 Should the latter be removed then the second fish will become the dominant one .
17 When all were examined together a trend of increasing risk with lower social class was also found ( test for trend x=5.72 , p=0.02 ) .
18 The former is making quite a name for itself , as it works well under Windows and as its device driver can be set up as a ‘ printer device ’ within Windows , the output of almost any Windows application that produces output to a printer , can be ‘ diverted ’ and sent as a FAX .
19 And that is bring together the advertising to fund the product .
20 Once that is understood then the answer to my original question : What is it that social anthropologists actually do ? becomes easier to understand .
21 ‘ But he wants you all to himself — and he 's found the best way to do that is to take away the pleasure you find in singing .
22 Part of the alleged unfairness is that some plaintiffs in the United States courts will be denied the extensive discovery available to plaintiffs generally ; but that is to give absolutely no weight to the specifically international aspects present in particular cases .
23 If that is shown then the dismissal is fair .
24 That 's sending quite a signal is n't it .
25 That 's created quite a problem because it 's more difficult to teach the lads in the teams how to deal with things like that .
26 Most of the ninety two naturally occurring elements , that 's leaving aside the , the elements that have been created artificially in particle accelerators and things , have been found in sea water and it 's quite likely that those that have n't yet been recorded from sea water will be recorded as our analeti er as our analytical techniques get better .
27 That 's considered quite an honour .
28 I anticipate that because that 's becoming now a key question .
29 Each was dramatic and each was followed only a short time later by a key Congressional vote . ’
30 Erm I was very , very interested in an interview I heard last weekend I think it was with Pete , when he made the comment that he was n't interested in back to basics because that was looking backwards a lot of people in the past lived pretty miserable lives .
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