Example sentences of "[det] be [noun] who have " in BNC.

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1 Some were housewives who had been called up under the call up for women of forty-five to fifty .
2 Some were novices who had never been on jungle training .
3 Many of the first group , it can be presumed , were married women , while some were teenagers who had taken part-time temporary jobs whilst still at school .
4 But these are women who have not very much experience of a particular current within British feminism which sees men very much as the enemy , though they went through a tremendous process of political change during the strike and with the development of their organisation , many marriages , for example , split up and the women gained a whole new identity of themselves as individual women .
5 I think if anything it 's more likely that what we 'll have at Oxford is some extremely tough women , because these are women who have made their way through the educational system and are tough cookies .
6 These are students who have organised themselves to undertake surveys of buildings requiring modification for full public access .
7 And these are men who have paid a small fortune to meet someone !
8 Some of these are children who have no parents or who have been abandoned , and these will be long-term cases .
9 Often these are people who have had a fairly ‘ secret ’ sort of relationship , such as a lover or a homosexual partner , and who therefore feel they have to bear their loss alone , because no one knows that they have sustained one .
10 These are people who have been restored to membership after a lapse of some years .
11 These were leaders who had not been subject to party screening or peer review and had succeeded almost exclusively on the strength of their appeal to mass electorates .
12 These were men who had just finished fighting a global war — a war which , it must be remembered , Britain had won — and global habits of mind naturally persisted .
13 Two patient subgroups were identified : these were children who had recently travelled abroad ( 11 ) , and children who had an itinerant existence within the United Kingdom , generally living in caravan sites ( 11 ) .
14 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
15 The former is the voice of sound , sensible England , the latter is Spenser who had been granted land in county Cork in 1588 .
16 Those are people who have made you , carved you , produced you .
17 MAGISTRATES ' Courts have been in existence for hundreds of years , presided over by lay Justices of the Peace ( magistrates ) , that is people who have no legal qualification .
18 Although they accept that these numbers include practising Christians unable — or unwilling — to pay the tax , they believe that most are people who have long drifted away from the church .
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