Example sentences of "[det] we can say [be] " in BNC.

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1 All we can say is do n't look back !
2 All we can say is that the burden of the wood adds further poignancy to an already heart-rending story , and throughout the journey acts as an all too visible reminder to Abraham of the act he is about to commit .
3 All we can say is , it 's about time !
4 ‘ It 's quite heart-breaking , but all we can say is ‘ Come and take your chances ’ , ’ she said .
5 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
6 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
7 All we can say is that assurances were given , and that for a short time they were accepted as having been given in good faith ; but they were not honoured .
8 We possess no worked example to illustrate how genes control behaviour ; all we can say is that , in abstract terms , proteins influence the development of neurons , and that genes must by this means influence the development of the nervous system .
9 All we can say is that each theme demands its own particular treatment , and that however much change is introduced there should be a convincing sense of unity .
10 All we can say is that logical , easily perceptible solutions are always preferable to enigmatic ones , which may have forms so difficult to perceive that to the listener they seem formless .
11 All we can say is that girls do as well as boys at the mathematical skills which primary teachers value , such as computation , but that the APU surveys , and the analysis of other researchers such as Hilary Shuard ( 1986 ) , have picked up differences in the performance of girls and boys which mathematics educators regard as significant .
12 All we can say is that ceteris paribus we should expect consequences of these kinds and then look at specific developments which would seem to illustrate the possibilities .
13 Without democracy we would n't be able to say who should rule , with democracy we can we can say these people because we voted for them and that 's it , we ca n't say these people interests we ca n't say that these people act in common good although if they do very badly we 'll try and recall them , all we can say is they 're there we need , what we need is authority structures , we need the structures more than the people occupying the roles , someone 's got to occupy the roles and this is the only way we 've got of appointing them .
14 So in that case all we can say is that the link was between Nick
15 And I think all we can say is that we ca n't be sure that that is n't the case .
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