Example sentences of "[det] that [pron] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some , such as Schmenner ( 1987 ) , feel so strongly about this that they talk of ‘ the black holes of cost accounting ’ .
2 South Africa opened an " interests office " in Windhoek on Dec. 13 , 1989 , offering a full range of consular services , including issue of passports and visas ; the deputy head of the office said : " South Africa demonstrates by this that we want to be good neighbours and hope it will be possible to retain normal and friendly relations with the neighbouring state . "
3 Stevenson commented on this that we disagree in attitude , but not ( necessarily ) in belief , and in any case , for attitudinism , since the two statements express opposite attitudes , they are incompatible in much the same way as that in which statements which express opposite beliefs are .
4 It is this that we examine in the next section .
5 ‘ Only a few that we know of , ’ said Merymose .
6 Staff from all over the country took part and here are just a few that we know of : .
7 Erm but I mean there 's nothing in , in that that we get from national level that has anything at all appertaining to Northumberland in it or on it , has it ?
8 But that that we ask for an exploration of the feasibility of widening the use of homes into nursing care , very sheltered accommodation , apartment style accommodation etcetera .
9 I mean Jim 's a civil engineer himself and he knows the skills and disciplines that that that we work to .
10 ‘ The political situation in FIFA , at the moment , is such that we have to be very careful of not seeing the majority move towards that idea . ’
11 Fiona and Mark mean something quite different by the word " God " such that they come to diametrically opposite conclusions .
12 Nor is it much use to put them in a pocket , for the rigours of the downward journey are such that they arrive at ground level in the form of an omelette .
13 They are aware of the need to improve their length so much that they put in the extra line so they are looking at a 1 or 1.5m ( 4 or 5ft ) area .
14 Visitor pressure and the often mindless or downright destructive behaviour of some of the people who come to this area have annoyed some farmers so much that they look on walkers as just another kind of vermin — and there are many times when I can sympathise with this attitude completely .
15 Nevertheless , it is to these two writers that we owe almost all that we know of El Cid 's life from those who were his contemporaries .
16 ‘ That all that we know of ourselves is an unimportant encrustation over the true seed of the eternal idea which lives inside us , using us as a vehicle merely , which develops in spite of us .
17 The story of Godric , and all that we know of medieval commerce and transport , suggests that a merchant needed to enjoy adventure and risk for its own sake .
18 Botanically , it is a one-off with no obvious affinities and no immediate allies ; all that we know of its ancestors ( from fossil evidence ) is that they were once common over a much wider area , as near as Germany for instance , during the mid-Tertiary period approximately 30 million years ago .
19 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
20 All that we know for certain about his coronation oath is that he promised to preserve the laws of the realm unimpaired and to do nothing touching the dignity of the crown without first obtaining the consent of his prelates and chief magnates .
21 ‘ We can not have all that we desire in this life , ’ pointed out Joan in a tone remarkably like that of their confessor , Father Powicke .
22 All that we use in our modern world is a comment upon the delicate balance of human hand , eye and brain .
23 However , we should n't grumble , because that is all that we get with many other plants , and at least the reason of interest and attraction is extended by colourful fruits ( hips ) in autumn .
24 Warm acceptance , and a compassionate and kindly approach , should be the marks of all that we give to others — and to our own children too .
25 A timely reminder of the potential bio-hazards facing members , this study should remind us all that we deal on a daily basis with chemicals and micro-organisms which can cause much harm and ultimately lead to ill-health .
26 We make-believe that the dried skull is all that we have from a modern animal , use a plaster cast to estimate how big its brain was from the skull alone , and then check with the real brain to see how accurate our estimate was .
27 We begin by reminding ourselves daily that God provides all that we need for our lives .
28 That you appreciate all that they do for you , their consideration , their thoughtfulness , etc .
29 But it would be old lamps and Peedie bits of and when you speak about long ago times I associate the smell of paraffin and sawdust and cooking apples and all that you go into Peedie shops and there was a fine relationship , you go in and Well I used to be for the old folk and they were all awful good to me , and the particular and we used to go every Saturday night to a shop called Blacks and it stayed open till nine o'clock .
30 It teaches you that you must work hard to achieve all that you want from life . ’
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