Example sentences of "[det] that [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rough general picture is of course very much that indicated in Figure I of Chapter 4 .
2 Eugénie had not long been an Empress , but she had always been a grandee of Spain , with all that implied in pride and good breeding .
3 As Territorial Commander Eva was responsible for all that happened in Salvation Army circles .
4 Or ill , depending on your view of all that happened in consequence .
5 The distinction is useful because companies that seize an opportunity in markets outside their domestic base are more likely to be successful than those that react in response to an external factor .
6 Some trilobites lost their eyes , probably those that burrowed in mud or lived in lightless parts of the ocean .
7 Carnivores can be divided into those that lay in wait as opposed to actively hunting for their prey .
8 ‘ The precept of dying should be part of the studies of those that live in health ; all that a sick or dying man can do is but to exercise those virtues which he before acquired . ’
9 The difficulties involved in trying to explicate the concept are so insidious and irksome that , understandably perhaps , one is often tempted to say that they are not crucially important and that the problems that can be profitably discussed in relation to experiences are no different from those that arise in connection with any other " natural phenomena " ; and , consequently , that the method of investigation with regard to all phenomena , experiences included , is , or at any rate , ought to be , the same .
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