Example sentences of "[noun prp] when [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I knew I must be nearing Clumber when I saw the Robin Hood and Little John Hotel from the train window .
2 He was absolutely worshipped by all disinterested persons at G.Q.G. When he entered the hotel , tapping the floor with his stick and looking about him with the mischievous and bright glances of a boy , every one came up to him instinctively , only too pleased to see him .
3 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
4 Graeme Souness , an Edinburgh man who does n't frighten easily , once recalled how the scariest moment of his life unfolded outside Parkhead when he made the acquaintance of two locals .
5 Her work was recognised at Crufts when she won the breed rescue section of the Rescue Personality Of The Year Award , put together by Pet Plan and Dog World .
6 On one occasion , Du Camp records , ‘ Flaubert was leaving Paris for Rouen when she entered the waiting-room of the station and went through such tragic scenes that the railway officials were obliged to interfere .
7 It all came right for David when he legered a sardine on size 8 barbless trebles to a 20 lb wire trace and 12 lb line .
8 She was pregnant with Maisie when she filmed the scene and found it very disturbing to have to act out the motions of a woman losing her baby .
9 His caddy this week is Andy Prodger , the Englishman who caddied for Nick Faldo when he won the Masters in 1989 .
10 He and his wife , Kathy , moved from a large thatched house in Berkshire when they bought the property eight years ago .
11 On the final day , we were entering the Restaurant de la Tour when we heard the cow .
12 A recent anthology on spirituality has a quotation by Martin Buber from Rabbi Zusya when he said a short while before his death , " In the world to come I shall not be asked why were you not Moses ?
13 Well as you can see from what Frank said , the six main sectors overall did n't fare too badly , sixteen percent drop in aggregate at the trading level and in fact er , our other interest less expenses were actually ended on eleven percent because we had a million pounds more profit from Lakeside when we sold the Tesco 's site .
14 The latest sell-offs are in line the promises made by TI when it took the group over last year .
15 COUNCILLOR John Adams , a Unionist member of Derry City Council , got on well with Mrs Jean Kennedy Smith , the US Ambassador to Ireland when she visited the maiden city .
16 A group of Scots taken prisoner at Solway Moss , the earls of Glencairn and Cassillis , lords Fleming , Maxwell , Somerville and others , obtained their release and were sent back to Scotland when they signed a request to Henry that he should take Mary into his care , with the intention of marrying her to his son , the future Edward VI ; their offer that they would help to bring him to power in Scotland , should Mary die , was kept entirely secret .
17 I am sure that it will be fully appreciated by the people of Scotland when they assess the parties ' policies at the election , including the policies of those who advocate a lesser or greater degree of Scotland 's separation from the rest of the United Kingdom .
18 Had we been as free from the fetters of manpower planning as Field when we negotiated the new deal the problem could have been solved overnight .
19 ‘ Sorry , ’ said Pooley when they connected a few minutes later .
20 On June 13 Theo Mitchell became the first black politician to win a major party nomination for a statewide office in South Carolina when he secured the Democratic gubernatorial nomination with 59 per cent of the vote ; Mitchell was to face Republican incumbent Carroll Campbell .
21 This was the picture which greeted George and Heather Hurcombe when they opened the door of their house at Dursley in Gloucestershire .
22 ‘ Ironically , I was possibly playing my best football for Tottenham when I left the club , but I knew there was no way back .
23 Neither , sometimes could his disciples understand their master , rambling when drunk , as observed one evening by British novelist Kingsley Amis when they shared a college platform in Boston debating new liberalism .
24 Legend has it that the once-rounded peaks had their tops lopped off by a supernatural force to make a flat-topped bed and table for St Columba when he visited the island in AD585 .
25 Lynn Deeley was working at St Andrew 's Home in Headington when she spotted a man tampering with her Metro in the staff car park .
26 He is justifiably proud of what he and his father achieved at Lingfield , not least the deal they struck with the redoubtable Cyril Stein of Ladbrokes when they bought the course from his company seven years ago .
27 The Macaulay 's bought the standard in memory of Donald when they heard the regiment wanted to replace the old one .
28 Naylor ( 1986 ) also gives an example of a tangible link between SBUs when he cites the interdependence of the multiple car lines at General Motors , where a change in the demand for one line may well be reflected in another .
29 To their credit , Malone responded well and grabbed a deserved try from Colin Wilkinson when he made a typical burst into the back line and scored under the posts with aplomb .
30 Paul looked surprised to receive a wide smile of welcome from Stephen when he entered the office .
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