Example sentences of "[noun prp] said that at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
2 Addressing the Assembly , Yeltsin said that at the forthcoming Congress he expected an attempt to retreat from reforms .
3 Mr Wilcox said that at a time of increased pressures to reduce public spending , new strategies on housing were needed urgently .
4 Mr Teague said that at no time was Paul Jones ever hit with a cane or whip , at no time was he tied upside down and hit , he was never forced to get up early to feed the animals , or ill-treated in any way whatsoever .
5 As we drove back to the airport Smith said that at the end of the war he had been executive officer at a naval air base in California , and that one of the officers there had been a certain Lieutenant Richard Milhous Nixon .
6 Mr Templeton said that at the time there had been no lifting equipment there .
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