Example sentences of "[noun prp] who [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They thought maybe but then it was only Richard who accept in the relationship .
2 The delicious Rob Walker who , in a journalistic disguise , was and is still around in the sport , must be the only other man I ever met in FI who while at the heart of the sport never took it with the grim tenacity with which the more parvenu consider the business of winning and losing .
3 What was the latest style to arrive in London , I asked three young Muslim women from Mirpur who live in a North London suburb .
4 The Sisters of Marie Répatrice who look after the Shrine , were helped as usual in the organisation of the celebration , and in serving refreshments afterwards , by the ‘ Friends of the Shrine ’ who do so much , in so many ways , to support it .
5 Both Hallamshire and Queen 's are also represented in the final four of the women 's competition , but it is Long Road Cambridge who go into the semis as top seeds , with players of the calibre of Amanda Brown , a former Wightman Club player , and ex-Queen 's No. 2 Judy Rich — who appeared in last season 's inaugural women 's Grand finals for the London club — setting the pace .
6 Not much to choose either between Ards and Cliftonville who meet at the Oval in the other semi-final on Friday night .
7 On the other hand , there are those like Locke who belong to the best traditions of the Age of Reason and represent the ‘ meaning ’ theist position .
8 I have known smallholders who lived in caravans and have seen nomad herdsmen in Asia who camp in the open or carry their tents on their backs .
9 Of course to people like Mr. Tully who benefit by the British presence in the occupied part of our country ( a country which was partitioned against the will of the vast majority of our population ) the current whereabouts of Barleycorn is an unpleasant reminder that the Republican movement will not be cowed by threats from the likes of him and his cohorts in the Unionist parties in the failed political entity of Northern Ireland .
10 For Swindon it was shooting practice young Marcus Phillips on as sub for the first time nearly got a goal but it was Torquay who tookover towards the end …
11 A case in point is Dublin 's Old Wesley who compete in the top division of the All Ireland league .
12 It will protect , at the expense of the rest , those people in Wales who live in the most expensive properties .
13 so just one Central South team in the cup now … and that 's Gloucester who come into the third round … for a tough old game on Tyneside … that 's in three weeks time
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