Example sentences of "[noun prp] can [verb] it [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 And you , and with Steve , Ellen can pick it out .
2 My Tom can bring it along after Mass on Sunday .
3 Stephen can sort it out . ’
4 For the same reason they understand why Gandalf tells Frodo not to use the Ring ( use always causes addiction ) ; why Sam , Bilbo and Frodo nevertheless survive their use of it ( addiction in early stages is curable ) ; why Boromir succumbs to the Ring without handling it ( use has to be preceded by desire ) ; and why Faramir can shrug it off ( a wise person is capable of stifling the desire to become addicted , though no wisdom will stifle addiction once contracted ) .
5 Then Sally can pick it up .
6 But he 's confident that Cheltenham can pull it off .
7 Sometimes a mother who has HIV can pass it on to her baby whilst it is growing inside her .
8 ‘ Ah yes , Frome can bring it in .
9 They 'll be waitin' fer us an' once the load 's orf the motor Tony can take it back on 'is own .
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