Example sentences of "[noun prp] as [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Beant Singh as Chief Minister headed a 27-member government .
2 An AFP report of June 28 said that MWU members protesting against the dismissal of Ould Rahdy as general secretary had clashed that day with police in Nouakchott .
3 THE APPOINTMENT of Robert Louis-Dreyfus as Saatchi 's chief executive and Charles Scott as financial director comes after a prolonged period of musical chairs involving top management .
4 Defections from the former ruling Janata Dal ( JD ) to form the JD(S) had brought down the government of V. P. Singh in November 1990 , and led to the appointment of the JD(S) leader Chandra Shekhar as Prime Minister heading a minority government [ see pp. 37854-55 ] .
5 TLH celebrate left handedness , citing Jimi Hendrix and Django Reinhardt as great left handed musicians .
6 TLH celebrate left handedness , citing Jimi Hendrix and Django Reinhardt as great left handed musicians .
7 Ross has also hired Adam D. Weinberg as new curator to organise exhibitions drawn from the Whitney 's permanent collection .
8 The appointment of Braithwaite as Prime Minister followed protracted negotiations and reports that Jones had offered his support and that of the other NP representative , to give a working majority of three .
9 Natural Justice — Opportunity to meet charge — Right to be heard — Company carrying on investment business as appointed representative of insurers — Lautro as self-regulating organisation investigating company 's affairs — Lautro issuing notice prohibiting acceptance by insurers of business from company until investigation completed — Whether company having right to be heard before issue of notice — Financial Services Act 1986 ( c. 60 ) , ss. 8 , 44(2)
10 Val Kilmer as Spooky Jim trips from slim butterfly to fat-bastard-with-a-beard-dead-in-the-bath through Ole Stoney 's unashamed and thoroughly blasted corpsebumlickery .
11 Now writers are trying to come up with a new story for Willis as rival studios race to cash in on the Die Hard formula .
12 True , its ranks were swelled by Serbs as other nationalities deserted and the aggressive greater Serbian nationalism dovetailed conveniently into the neo-Stalinist aspirations of the generals , to preserve Yugoslavia .
13 Her teeth gritted together to stop herself screaming , she rocked backwards and forwards like a child , oblivious to the drizzle that had begun while she 'd been in the kitchen with Gwen as disjointed sentences jostled in her brain for supremacy .
14 The early 1930s were a bad time ; the world depression particularly hit Burma as agricultural prices dropped .
15 Ministers who feel that they are in some way personally to blame , will normally resign , as for example Lord Carrington as Foreign Secretary following the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands and ministers such as John Profumo and Cecil Parkinson who were involved in personal scandals .
16 Records tumbled during the final Middlesbrough Match series on Hemlington Lake as glorious weather signalled a carp-feeding frenzy .
17 Wales lock Tony Copsey ( left ) gets to grips with Doddie Weir as fellow Dragons Emyr Lewis and Stuart Davies ( obscured ) put the frighteners on Scots back-rowers Dave McIvor and Derek White ( right ) .
18 The UNHCR announcement coincided with fierce fighting in Sarajevo as Bosnian troops threw reinforcements into battle , resisting tank , artillery and infantry attacks by Serb siege forces .
19 Freelancer Tihomir Tunukovic , 25 , a Croatian known as ‘ Tuna ’ , was driving the BBC armoured vehicle in a convoy when it was attacked near Travnik as fierce fighting shattered the start of a UN-brokered ‘ Week of Tranquillity ’ .
20 The move , effective from April , created furore at Westminster as Labour MPs complained the measure had almost no support in Scotland and had been pushed through by English Tory MPs .
21 The Gaullist characterizations of the US as covert imperialist and Great Britain as apologetic accomplice had their roots in the war .
22 President Ramaswamy Venkataraman appointed Justice Madhukar Hiralal Kania as Chief Justice to replace Kamal Narain Singh , who retired on Dec. 12 after briefly assuming the post on Nov. 24 .
23 Referring to Serrano 's relationship with the military , traditionally dominant in civilian politics , Caribbean Insight of February 1991 commented that the confirmation of Col. Ricardo Méndez as Interior Minister marked " a small victory " for Serrano , while there could be no doubt that the new Defence Minister , Gen. Luis Mendoza was " the choice of the military High Command alone " .
24 Mrs Thatcher as Prime Minister has occasional meetings with committee officers , taking committees one at a time .
25 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
26 Trading was tough across the board , but progress was particularly difficult to achieve in Europe as leading economies moved into recession .
27 Shadow Trade Secretary Robin Cook threatened to release confidential papers which he claims show Mr Major as Foreign Secretary knew of the arms-to-Saddam policy .
28 Miaow , thought Jenny as young Curtis stood up awkwardly and set off for the bar , turning after a couple of steps to ask , ‘ What do you want ? ’
29 More jobs for Glasgow as Direct Line expands
30 He then returned to Newcastle as medical registrar to work with Professor F. J. Nattrass and became interested in neurology , acquiring the MD ( Durham ) and MRCP ( 1940 ) .
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