Example sentences of "[noun prp] had [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The houses were scattered around , low-slung , timbered , with a thatched roof and small porch ; it was a village scene similar to many Corbett had seen elsewhere except for the small dark people , their furtive looks and quiet ways .
2 But Creed had turned away and Jed breathed easier .
3 Jinkwa had wheeled about and was now coming back over to them .
4 Somehow I was in the boat , and Neil had cast off and was edging her out from the jetty .
5 So troubled was he for a girl who , after all , was of age , high-spirited and clever , that after she had gone , and Matey had answered reflectively when he had asked her if she knew where McAllister was going , ‘ I do n't know .
6 So far , Marie had lasted longer than either of them : it was n't that she was better at her job than they were , it was just that she did n't expect so much of people .
7 During the time that I was at MainMan , David had become more and more removed from us , but I figured that that was because he was so busy and that was the way it was when you had become a big star .
8 The number-two car with Dino Tremiti had done well and held current pole position , but even if Ace did brilliantly the Brazilian who drove for Carlisle Flint 's closest rivals was hot on his tail , and he had a reputation for being able to go just that little bit faster under the pressure of a time to beat .
9 Japan 's exports to the United States had totalled more than US$100,000 million in 1989 , against imports of some $50,000 million , and popular pressure was mounting in the USA to list Japan among the countries applying " structural impediments " within the definition of the " Super 301 " clause of the 1988 Omnibus Trade Act [ see pp. 36925-26 ] ; the clause , if invoked , would have entailed trade sanctions unless Japan agreed to changes within 12 months of its listing .
10 The next morning he was assured by the nurse that Ivan had slept peacefully and eaten a little breakfast .
11 Edward had smiled modestly and , of course , agreed to do his best , if it were so ordained .
12 Frankie had left home and was now living in lodgings in a little backstreet near the pub they were sitting in .
13 To her surprise Broom-Parker had phoned shortly after she 'd returned home , pleading with her not to mention his name to the police .
14 Arechaga had pointed out that the ability of the parties to confer a right on third parties subject to conditions is a legal strength , for it allows the creation of complex international regimes comparable to statutory regimes in municipal law .
15 Sure enough , it was just as the second , regurgitated blade appeared , dangling on a length of thread from Jim Rose 's mouth , that Richard had collided suddenly and rather violently with the floor of Strathclyde University Union 's level eight hall .
16 And on one day of hard frost , Paul and Molly had slid back and forth across the shining ice , screaming with delight , watched by a bold robin who sat fearlessly nearby on a low bare branch preening the pale grey feathers that edged the bronze of his breast .
17 She swallowed carefully , her mind skittering back to that day at the office when Rebecca had returned unexpectedly and disturbed them .
18 The Volvo had arrived less than twenty minutes later .
19 The first earl of Westmorland had married twice and had dismembered his patrimony to provide for his family by his second wife , Joan Beaufort , granting them the lordships of Middleham , Sheriff Hutton and Penrith .
20 The first earl of Westmorland had married twice and had dismembered his patrimony to provide for his family by his second wife , Joan Beaufort , granting them the lordships of Middleham , Sheriff Hutton and Penrith .
21 This is something like twelve times the number of flights G-BEBP had carried out when the failure occurred .
22 If , however , Gavin had stomped in and told her she was a piece of shit , would the audience with the Goddess Of Tedium have lasted for more than one sentence ?
23 The prosecution claimed Jean-Marc Brennez was somebody Miss Giles had made up and the reason it was billed only as a surprise film was because she knew she did not have the right to show it .
24 They had lunched in a crowded riverside pub , where Giles had talked smoothly and continuously on a general level .
25 Mr Taylor told the gathering at Darlington Police station PC Khaliq had made more than 85 arrests during the year .
26 Miss Adeane agreed that she would , hurrying back to St Jude 's with a shout of triumph in her heart , to find that Odette and Liam had gone out and that Daniel Carey was waiting for her .
27 If Zen had survived more or less intact all this time it was thanks to the instinct that was telling him to leave now .
28 Wordsworth had lived in and loved the Lakes for sixty years , and later Ruskin , the great architectural influence of the nineteenth century , built a house on Lake Coniston .
29 Grimm 's attitude to Moma Parsheen had altered drastically since she revealed her sabotage of Stalinvast 's future .
30 It was after nine-thirty when we finished , because I remember that Mrs Reynolds had gone home and I washed up the cups myself . ’
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