Example sentences of "[noun prp] had [be] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 According to Mills , the United States had been through five epochs .
2 For some weeks now , Rusty had been in that peculiarly unreal state when words leap out from pages , voices or one 's own thoughts , and rudely rattle their bones about , or shove their meanings under one 's nose like exhibitionists until the meanings themselves vanish in a dance of death .
3 At the same time the council in England believed that the king 's familiares were exercising undue influence over him : the unity which Edward had been at such pains to build up in 1337 was on the point of fracturing .
4 It was awkward , too , from the sales point of view , that Richard had been aboard one of these barges when he got knocked over the head .
5 Gen. Marin Neagoe , a former divisional chief of the Securitate security forces , was imprisoned for seven years on May 29 for his role in suppressing the riots ; on May 10 the former Securitate chief Julian Vlad had been among those sentenced to prison terms of up to five years [ see p. 38207 ] .
6 On the other hand , Memet had been to public school , so that had probably finished him off …
7 Dr Curtis had been in four times .
8 She supposed most normal people in a situation like the one she and Alan had been in all day , would have ended up in bed together , here in this comfortable bed at Rose Cottage .
9 The most recent public execution in Albania had been in 1986 .
10 Perhaps Bad Schwarzendorn had been in Allied hands by then .
11 It 's claimed the night she died , Kim had been to this nightclub near the Champs Elysees and had returned late with a friend and the accused .
12 P. G. Wodehouse 's Bertie Wooster had been like that , in the Jeeves stories ; so was Tony Last in Evelyn Waugh 's A Handful of Dust ( 1934 ) , a model country gentleman who loses child , wife , estate and ultimately England itself , marooned as surely as Crusoe in an inland jungle where he is forced to read Dickens 's novels to an illiterate half-caste .
13 Frank Adler had been in 2nd place at the end of the first lap , eventually dropping back to 9th , the best German result in the Quincey Cup series .
14 But Karen had been on these holidays before .
15 In the view of private and public critics of the Wilberforce sons there was more than filiopietism at issue in their charge that Clarkson claimed leadership in the cause when their father was entitled to it ; they suggested Clarkson had been to all intents and purposes a paid agent of the Abolition Committee .
16 It was obvious that Bonard had been to considerable trouble to arrange for the members of his class to meet people with similar interests to their own .
17 US Senate armed services committee chairman Sam Nunn asked the Defence Department to conduct a further investigation , citing the statement in the ABC broadcast by Adml. ( retd ) William Crowe , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , that the Vincennes had been in Iranian waters when it fired the missile , not in international waters as previously claimed .
18 When Bigwig had spoken earlier of sounding out the Owsla , Hazel had been in two minds .
19 President Gorbachev , with whom Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been in frequent contact , clearly gave his approval .
20 Vichy , Spa , Baden-Baden , Aix-les-Bains , but above all the great international spas of the Habsburg monarchy , Gastein , Marienbad , Karlsbad , etc. , were to nineteenth-century Europe what Bath had been to eighteenth-century England , fashionable gatherings justified by the excuse of drinking some form of disagreeable mineral waters or immersing oneself in some form of liquid under the control of a benevolent medical dictator .
21 Israel had been in political crisis since March 15 , when the previous ruling coalition between Labour and Likud collapsed in disagreement over how to proceed with the Middle East Peace process [ see pp. 37303-04 ] .
22 Twelve minutes from time Weir had the misfortune to turn a John Eggleston short corner drive into his own net after Raphoe keeper Davy Buchanan had been at full stretch .
23 Hendry had been through sweet and sour on the weekend .
24 In fact the earliest exports to Australia had been in 1820 but the breed did not become established for another 30 years .
25 Aware that Madcap Agnew 's name was scarcely mentioned in the Hall , that the Lodge had been for many years a forbidden place , and that her father 's heart still quailed to reflect on the terrors he had suffered as a child , Louisa had not dared to let her reflections on this unhappy history reach far enough .
26 Massalia had been in direct contact with the Celts at least since the fifth century B.C. The Jews lived in a region where Greek mercenaries were often stationed and Greek merchants often called .
27 Jerusalem had been in Arab hands since the seventh century and the Holy Sepulchre was empty , but such was the emotional fervour stirred up by Urban 's preachers that the First Crusade was launched and a new kind of ‘ holy war ’ was under way .
28 Throughout the summer Solchaga had been in fruitless negotiations for a " pact of progress " between the government and the two main unions — the socialist General Workers ' Union ( UGT ) and the communist Workers ' Commissions ( CCOO ) .
29 Recently Princess Jeeta and Jamila had been in funereal moods , not for a second allowing Anwar to enjoy the pleasure of his tyranny .
30 Britain 's initial position of support for Cramra had been to all intents and purposes relinquished by the end of the meeting .
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