Example sentences of "[noun prp] but [pers pn] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 it 's Thursday and she was supposed to phone you Tuesday but he still keeps
2 Nearing the end , Pip realises that he could find contentment with Biddy but he soon learns that he is too late as she has already found happiness with Joe .
3 I carried on , then came back to live in the North but it just seems to have been a really cemented bond . ’
4 He is deeply in love with Estella but she just does n't want to know him .
5 Not only does it offer the opportunity for forging strong links and friendships between schools in Northern Ireland but it also allows them to learn about a very different social and cultural environment in Japan , ’ said Mr Hanley .
6 It is , though , more overtly apparent when he attempts to limit the damage to the atmosphere of the conversation caused by McKendrick 's accusation of his insincerity when praising Stoke university : Rather than make a straightforward denial , Anderson tries to diffuse the tension with humour by playing on the literal sense of McKendrick 's accusation. his display of urbane wit brings about some laughter from McKendrick but it also elicits a sardonic comment which is a valid observation on Anderson 's character .
7 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
8 His real name is Bruce but he never answers to it . ’
9 The BNP ( British National Party ) , founded by John Tyndall in 1982 after his departure from the NF , long laboured in the wilderness ; in 1992 , it has become the most important of the extreme-right groupings in Britain but it nonetheless remains a peripheral phenomenon .
10 Its champion , Countess Araminta , is conceived as a woman of the calibre of Hilda von Einem in Greenmantle but she never fulfils this introduction , while Mastrovin , that ‘ survivor of old black days ’ , is helpless against the common sense of McCunn and the elementary cunning of the diplomat Archie Roylance .
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