Example sentences of "[noun prp] 's [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Both themes were present in Napoleon 's invasion for he hoped to strike a blow against Britain 's control of India by cutting the short overland route across the isthmus from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea , and also to develop new trading opportunities for France in the eastern Mediterranean .
2 Beyond the window , sunshine slanted through the trees to fall across Frankie 's face as he enjoyed his morning feast .
3 We knew Lord Spencer 's father and we like Charles .
4 He said : ‘ I have never seen Downey 's picture but I would think I may know him .
5 He could not catch what she said as she touched Cunningham 's shoulder and she did not look back as she walked swiftly from the bar .
6 And I felt worse , as I stumbled away , remembering Gharr 's laughter when I 'd struck him .
7 Newcomen came up against Savery 's work when he tried to exploit his steam engines .
8 The projected documentary on the exiled Stuarts was Verrall 's idea and he had commissioned William to do the spade-work .
9 Jess — her blunt nose coming in contact with Samson 's hand as she coiled round — bit him .
10 He said on the old shillings I want Neil 's bed but it were n't that cos he 's bit of a fun to , you know , you know
11 ‘ Old ? ’ said Sally-Anne a little indignantly , to Dr Neil 's amusement as he watched the two women .
12 I , I mean , I at the moment I 'm not doing anything about Neil 's training because we 've got coming and it 's it 's too soon to start stirring up the bud again .
13 Secord and Hakim told Secord 's lawyer that they thought they were doing ‘ the Lord 's work ’ .
14 It was with much sadness that we received news from Molly of the sudden death of Peggy Secord 's husband while they were in Italy .
15 It looks as though Heseltine secured Walker 's appointment before he left the DoE , in order to have his own man in place .
16 The negotiations with the gallery were apparently severely threatened , however , by Lord Cholmondeley 's idea that he might withdraw the Holbein from Christie 's and , indeed , from the market for a year .
17 First he squeezed 60-year-old Jean 's hand as she sat by his bed .
18 The same fact was responsible for Dennis 's insistence that we should take to the water .
19 Gorbachev 's talk of perestroika was met by Ceauşescu 's insistence that he was ‘ perfecting ’ the functioning of socialism in Romania .
20 Of course , they 'd remember Donna 's mother because she was in labour such a long time , and they were all worried about her .
21 It was a glittering prospect and gave him the courage to brush his hand against Eloise 's breast as he kissed her goodbye .
22 The boats stop at places which were important in Rembrandt 's life where you can disembark and then continue the tour on a later boat .
23 I detest Picasso 's farsightedness when he declared : ‘ On my death , it will be like a shipwreck , and when a large ship is wrecked a lot of people go down with it ’ .
24 ‘ I have such confidence in Edgar 's love that I think I could kill him , and he would n't blame me for it .
25 A nerve jiggled at the corner of Meredith 's mouth because she was beginning to piece small bits of information together and was coming up with a heap of worries .
26 A blast of warm smoky air struck Meredith 's face as she preceded him into the one large room inside .
27 At intervals , re-crossing his cramped legs humped on the hassock of his kit-bag , his boot struck Meredith 's shin and he muttered an apology , to which Meredith responded with a polite shrug of the shoulders .
28 She had looked in Marie 's direction but she had made no sign of recognition .
29 I remember Marie 's face when it was all bashed up .
30 Republican committee members attempted in an adversarial and prosecutorial manner to demolish Hill 's credibility when she appeared before them .
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