Example sentences of "[noun prp] are more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 right now though Swindon are more concerned about their league form … in yesterday 's live Central Match they came a cropper …
2 At any moment the fortunes of ICI are more likely to be affected by the trend in exchange rates , or oil prices , or the budgetary policies of the United States of America , or the attitude to international trade of the Japanese , than by things which are more directly within our own control .
3 William Hill are more optimistic about Scudamore 's chances , quoting him at 4–9 .
4 Businessmen and women in the North-west and Midlands are more likely to be early than their counterparts in London despite the fact that traffic is apparently not a significantly bigger problem .
5 Smaller firms in the UK are more vulnerable to takeovers because of the existence of a sophisticated Stock Exchange which encourages small companies to raise finance by being floated on the unlisted markets .
6 But Metallica are more interested in playing for people than telling tales of in-fighting between these two giants of bad-boy rock .
7 Our guys in Austin are more interested in open systems , and the fastest screaming performance it can get onto a microprocessor .
8 Inter-company transactions in Japan are more numerous within the umbrella of federations of industrial , financial and trading companies .
9 It 's the reason why The Smiths are more powerful as a pop as art .
10 The Bank of England tends to be more concerned with systemic risk whereas the SIB and SROs are more involved with investor protection in relation to different areas of activity , although as mentioned earlier there are significant linkages and overlaps between the two .
11 As to my husband , he does what he is told as ever and I have faced the truth long ago that the Brownings are more important to him than I am .
12 If the citizens of modern London are more productive in a material , measurable sense than those of ancient Athens , it is not because more of them are educated or because they are better educated .
13 The Times ( 30 October 1900 ) would harp on the same theme , announcing that ‘ Every week some incident shows that certain parts of London are more perilous for the peaceable wayfarer than the remote districts of Calabria , Sicily , or Greece , once the classic haunts of brigands ’ .
14 Old roses do mix much better , the Albas , Centifolias , Bourbons and Gallicas are happy in a mixed throng , but the H.T.s and H.T.-type Floribundas are more formal in carriage , and need a more formal setting .
15 However , an examination of the floor ( it rests in situ ) shows that Hakewill 's drawing is not entirely accurate ( the pelta-urns for example , are too elongated ) ; The pelta-urns now visible at North Leigh are more akin to those of the all-over pattern from Cirencester ( see above ) — another mosaic with guilloche mat filled tilted squares and at least one roundel which encloses a flower of four heart-shaped petals .
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