Example sentences of "[noun prp] was [adv] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Elena was also determined that her children should have successful educations .
2 Ana cantered to the side and began a beautifully controlled walk to circle the barn , the horse stepping high and stately , back again to the beautiful dancing movement , and Maggie was so entranced that she never moved .
3 Wordsworth was so moved that he became ‘ a Patriot ’ , that is , a Republican , and from that time , he says ,
4 On Dec. 24 Ershad was finally informed that he was under house arrest " for public safety and public order " and that he was suspected of corruption and abuse of power .
5 Half-jokingly , but with a certain edge , Moran said that Great Meadow was so deserted that he himself might have to remove himself before long to her house .
6 George Wade then took over the studio of Sir J. Edgar Boehm [ q.v. ] and in 1891 his bust of I. J. Paderewski was so appreciated that 500 reproductions of it were ordered for the American market alone .
7 Very little was found of either body , but Winnie was so loved that we arranged a remembrance service for her the following Sunday .
8 Addison was soon persuaded that houses would not be built fast enough without direct subsidy and in December that year a further Housing ( Additional Powers ) Bill was rushed through all its stages , providing for subsidies ( £160 for a four-bedroomed house , E 140 for a four-bedroomed house without a parlour , and £130 for a three-bedroomed house ) and empowering local authorities to prohibit luxury and non-essential building .
9 At the same time Wilson was bluntly told that the United States would not make good any losses that the British economy might suffer .
10 Willie was so absorbed that he did n't notice that his knees were being licked and unconsciously he rested his hand on the back of Sammy 's neck .
11 Daisy was mildly encouraged that Ricky deliberately sat on her right , on his non-scar side .
12 Claudia was so exhausted that she could hardly remain upright .
13 There was never much conviction in the way Biggs fought , his attitude more that of a man boxing from memory rather than one attempting to resurrect a shattered career , and Mason was never persuaded that genuine peril might result from exchanges in the middle of the ring .
14 He said that the diocese of Durham wanted him and that the Archbishop of York was now persuaded that they were right .
15 People are told that Mr Zhang was so dedicated that he cut short his honeymoon to return to work , telling his new wife : ‘ One day without hearing the sound of the drill , my heart is heavy .
16 Joyce was now informed that since his problems concerned travel outside Germany , he must first take a train as far as Cologne and go to the consulate there .
17 As a Stalinist , Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken .
18 Moscow was thereby reassured that the situation in Cuba was under control .
19 Maria was absolutely determined that her school was n't going to be left behind .
20 Dawn disappeared and Sophie was so chilled that she shivered involuntarily .
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