Example sentences of "[noun prp] was [noun] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 8 May was Ascension Day and many faithful Catholics had assembled in the Cathedral , to celebrate the day , and to pray for deliverance from the volcano .
2 In the Incident Room DC Curnow was duty officer and Kersey , smoking his third cigarette of the morning , brooded over a stack of reports .
3 that 's what 's so dreadful , Joe was language coordinator and they came from her !
4 At that time Mr Tony Benn was Industry Secretary and the Labour government was attempting to increase state involvement in private industry by means of the National Enterprise Board ( NEB ) .
5 Ferenc Puskas was Major Puskas and during the 1956 uprising there were reports he had been killed .
6 Neither of these names appeared to fit in Scotland but at that time the Mayor of New York was Mickie Walker and forever after through the aircraft industry George was known as Mickie .
7 One of my old friends at Decca was Hugh Mendl and he was in charge of the singles department .
8 He said the whole message of Huron was platform independence and the ability to develop applications in one environment , then port them to another .
9 Here in the basement and behind Mr Pegg was Bill Joyner and his wrapping counter , beyond which roared the mighty Goss Printing Press which poured out 300 copies of the 16-page daily every minute .
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