Example sentences of "[noun prp] in the [num] year " in BNC.

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1 Euromoney ranked Singapore 's economic performance as the world 's second best after Taiwan in the three years to 1992 , based on the views of 34 economists from leading banks .
2 Carroll House was the second Italian-owned winner of the Arc in the two years it has been sponsored by the Italian hotel chain Ciga .
3 ‘ There have been major developments in the NHS in the three years since the advisory council was set up and new avenues for discussing possible changes have been developed , ’ said Lord Fraser .
4 The political murder rate , attributed primarily to the tribal police , was almost equivalent to that of Chile in the three years after the coup against Allende .
5 The political murder rate , attributed primarily to the tribal police , was almost equivalent to that of Chile in the three years after the coup against Allende .
6 The control of Parliament is perhaps even better illustrated by the fact that few pieces of legislation have been lost in the Commons in the ten years since Mrs Thatcher became prime minister — the Shops Bill comes to mind , but there is talk of its reintroduction in a future session .
7 At least once in their lives , most of these men would have met Thorfinn : more perhaps than had come face to face with King Duncan in the six years of his reign and before , when he had been prince of Cumbria in the shadow of Malcolm his grandfather .
8 It may be this which signals the high-water mark of Oswiu 's intervention in Pictland , analogous to his activities in Mercia in the three years after Penda 's death , and it does not imply an obvious community of interest between Oswiu and the sons of Donuel .
9 Russian support for Austria in the Seven Years War ( 1756–63 ) brought Prussia to the brink of ruin : Frederick the Great was saved only by the death of Elizabeth ( 1741–61 ) .
10 A survey of thirty paintings and thirty-five pastels and charcoal drawings created by Bill Jacklin in the seven years since he moved to New York in autumn 1985 opens at the Museum of Modern Art , Oxford , this month ( until 10 January 1993 ) .
11 Question D — focuses on explaining the reasons for the industrial and political unrest " in Britain in the five years before the outbreak of the First World War .
12 The monk Ippen ( 1239 to 1289 ) travelled all over Japan in the sixteen years before his death , and his journeys , his life and ideas ( he was also the founder of an Amida-Buddhist school ) were documented by one of his brothers in the twelve illustrated scrolls completed in 1299 .
13 The English at that time had produced a kind of ravishing sensuality which when we invaded Europe in France in the Hundred Years War and influenced the Burgundians , they were fascinated by the kind of sensuous sounds we were producing .
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