Example sentences of "[noun prp] in [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The UK 's Protek Ltd , Investronica SA in Spain and Axlan SA in France will distribute the CD-ROM-delivered software in Europe .
2 The steep-sided valley of Stroud-Water in Gloucestershire must have presented much the same kind of picture , but Defoe does not attempt any description of it beyond saying that ‘ the clothiers Iye all along the banks of this river for near 20 miles ’ ; and Celia Fiennes passed along the high road over the uplands from Gloucester to Bath and failed to notice it at all .
3 IT 'S sick that organisers of a fair at Manston in Kent should pump a donkey full of laxatives for a fund-raising gimmick .
4 Tescos in Abingdon will escape prosecution .
5 Chantal Sommer in Freiburg will see you right , La Vida in Cologne , Studio 1001 in Düsseldorf , Sudfass in Frankfurt , just mention my name .
6 Coats Viyella says St Austell in Cornwall will lose 290 jobs when it closes its Van Heusen shirt factory there in February .
7 Nina from Hornchurch in Essex would like to know where all the young mums are hiding !
8 The council elections to be held in Chile in June will provide the first opportunity in 20 years for Chileans to vote against the ‘ eyes and ears ’ of the military dictatorship , according to Maria Antonieta Saa , the human rights activist and Chile 's only woman mayor .
9 Two adults and two children staying 10 nights at the Hotel Cavanna in La Manga in Spain in June would work out , with the discount , at £907 .
10 Later today , 80 servicemen from RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire will fly to Mombasa in Kenya on standby for action .
11 Eliot 's 1921 meeting with Dr Roger Vittoz in Lausanne must have once more forced him to confront his own history and ambitions .
12 Closing Bonar Carelle in Dundee will save £700,000 a year , restructuring in North America should start to pay dividends , and the recession should soon be ending .
13 A victory over High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire would secure Rob Lane 's spirited Sudbury the championship and , in turn , the one promotion spot available for next season 's new-look National Division Four .
14 The long-term guarantee of a full and desirable simulcast service from Marcopolo in MAC would give the British electronics industry both the incentive to continue developing MAC technology and the live transmissions on which development depends .
15 A rapid look at The Times newspaper for this Monday in April might give us just the slightest inkling of the minutiae of English life on a most ordinary of ordinary days : Dickens was completing David Copperfield ; Bass 's India Pale Ale could be had for 33s. per 18-gallon cask ; Hampshire Breakfast Bacon would cost you 7½d. by the half side , while Captain Reid 's ‘ Walls End ’ coal was 19s. a ton .
16 A settlement at Witham in Somerset may have been disturbed when the first Carthusian house in England was founded in the late twelfth century in the apparently empty Selwood Forest .
17 But it is feared Serbs in Bosnia will refuse to obey him .
18 Serbia and Montenegro proposed an amendment to permit not only republics but also " nations " to remain within Yugoslavia , a formula under which Serbs in Croatia could elect to join this entity .
19 If the EC and Europe 's major television manufacturers persist with HDMAC , then the road to digital HDTV in Europe will become circuitous and unnecessarily expensive , with broadcasters and domestic consumers alike wasting money .
20 A WEEK 'S self-catering in a Standard room at Somerwest in August will cost a family of four £504 .
21 There was also a lot of Richard Strauss , which his Rosenkavalier at Cardiff in February would have capped .
22 For example , the Hedley Kow from Northumberland in England will assume the form of a beautiful girl and beckon a gullible lad her way , only to disappear .
23 The Smithsonian in Washington will omit locations on their database for the sake of conservation and security .
24 This and all of the monies banked with the Lombards in Cornhill will go to Philippa . ’
25 The No. 17 service to Whitfield in Dundee used to operate a two-way pattern which suited everyone ; because of cross-subsidy , the public transport company was able to maintain that service .
26 The people of Groningen in Holland would disagree .
27 Fantastic aspects on the 8th and 9th to both Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn should provide one or two rather blissful moments , although this may not be enough to lift your spirits entirely .
28 To her and all our helpers , without whom Medau in Norfolk would grind to a standstill , we say a very big ‘ THANK YOU ’ .
29 Mercury in Aries will give you insight — and the wit to negotiate some advantageous deals .
30 RELATIVES of three IRA terrorists shot dead by the SAS in Gibraltar will learn tonight whether a campaign to put the Government in the dock over the killings has been successful .
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