Example sentences of "[noun prp] and i had [art] " in BNC.

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1 ’ As I 'm sure you know , Curb and I had a brief contact with some Ardakkeans .
2 I thought : if Richard and I had a daughter , would we quarrel over this ?
3 Over at Basingstoke and I had a look in the shoe shops , and that , they would be very handy for me erm lace up though
4 We were late getting to Doris 's party on Christmas Eve , because Toby and I had a sort of row .
5 For the first time , Shirnette and me had a real fight , because of what I hated most .
6 Mother-of-four Dawn adds , ‘ Kim and I had a cry together and I told her that just because I loved Colin , it did n't mean I 'd stopped loving her . ’
7 Heather and I had the large front room on the right of the entrance , which we understood had been a music room , and where Byron , in a temper had thrown an ink bottle at a maid .
8 John Gould and I had a tremendous rapport and the run was a happy one with constant ‘ House Full ’ signs up .
9 On the Wednesday morning , Eduardo and I had a foray to his son 's flat in Tufnell Park to get some things Francis and Audrey need for the house in Brussels now they are working there .
10 ‘ Before they went off , Michel and I had a talk .
11 Matt and I had a bust-up in his office a week or so ago .
12 Kelly and I had a cry then .
13 Mr. Jenkins and I had a very nice friend who came from Italy .
14 She disappeared out the back again and Katrina and I had a blitz on the cleaning , finishing up behind the counter .
15 I was Unca Donald and I had a new junior woodchuck .
16 Charles Fleming and I had a chance to look around the beautiful shops , and eat out at the RED SEA PALACE HOTEL ( pure magic by the way ) .
17 Erm , one thing some people do know that are in this room , and others do n't , and he 's quite embarrassed about this , on the way home from the conference , Matthew and I had a very , very bad accident , on the motorway and we 're both very , very lucky to have survived actually , erm , but erm , unfortunately during the course , well after the accident , Matthew was breathalysed and found to be over the limit and he 's in court actually in the Birmingham area on the twenty second of February , and we 're hoping that he gets off with a very light sentence , but er , we 're both very , very lucky to be here today .
18 I sold the jewels I was wearing and de Michelet and I had a splendid time until the money was gone .
19 ‘ I was 21 last Monday and I had a bit too much to drink , ’ he smiled later .
20 Once , Reginald Forte , the famous organist , came to Middleton in Teesdale and I had the pleasure of attending that concert .
21 Alastair and I had a six-course breakfast in Edinburgh . ’
22 After the match Trevor and I had a heated argument over what will , undoubtedly , be another suspension .
23 So Jord Jordan and I had a walk down to the mark the nursery yesterday morning .
24 JTR and I had a new door to walk through practically every night .
25 Despite that , Martha and I had a wonderful wedding , and were very grateful that when other families were separated , we had the opportunity to be together .
26 So my w Jessie and I had a wee break .
27 Stephen Conroy and I had the same tutor , Geoff Squires , and maybe he 's a model for our life drawing .
28 Kevin and I had a bit of a scuffle , but it was nothing that did n't happen all over the park and certainly nothing to warrant our marching orders .
29 You know Irene and I had a holiday along there , we stayed at Frinton and then moved to Clacton .
30 Well , I suppose you 'd say that Elise and I had a very close relationship for a time . ’
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