Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 John and I will pick up Erica and see you soon . ’
2 Baron Ferdinand de Rothchild built Waddesdon and furnished it exclusively in 17th and 18th century French style .
3 The chairman said : ‘ He was a shelf stacker at Tescos and said it fully qualified him for the job ! ’
4 Then comes ‘ Success Has Made A Failure Of Our Home ’ and knocks you over ; she wrenches it from the grasp of Loretta Lynn and Tammy Wynette and makes it absolutely her own , Phil Ramone 's arrangement swelling dramatically to Sinead 's own end-piece , and with the last emphatic plea of ‘ Am I not your girl ? ’ both you and she fall down , emotionally exhausted .
5 Last week at the Univel launch in Dallas , we sidled up to Novell chief Ray Noorda and asked him flat out what the chances were he would buy Unix System Labs .
6 In 1168 Geoffrey stood on the threshold of a long and turbulent career which was to earn him a great reputation as a knight both in Europe and on crusade and to help lift his dynasty out of the ranks of the barons of Poitou and place it firmly among the leading princes of Christendom .
7 Nicky Henderson 's Wont Be Gone Long ( 2.20 ) has top weight but is not badly treated considering he beat Lockwood Prince by 15 lengths at Chepstow last May and meets him here on the same terms .
8 Nicky Henderson 's Wont Be Gone Long ( 2.20 ) has top weight but is not badly treated considering he beat Lockwood Prince by 15 lengths at Chepstow last May and meets him here on the same terms .
9 Then the cops did do something but I do n't know if it was a tip-off or dumb luck : they raided some farmhouse up in Tuscany and found her still alive .
10 When the Company entered the dynastic politics of southern India by putting forward a candidate of its own in the Carnatic , the French were soon able to drive him back to Trichinopoly and beseige him there .
11 Rostov scanned the platform above for Alexei and saw him finally on the topmost section of the catwalk .
12 She leaned on Roirbak and hugged him again .
13 The Normans escorted the Pope and his retinue , with care , back to Benevento and detained him there , with care , as their prisoner .
14 Also , Mr Guest had been involved in business with Doctor Jekyll and knew him well .
15 Rachaela seized Ruth and pulled her upright .
16 Then Sylvie walked towards Katherine and pecked her lightly on the cheek .
17 Going south out of Épernay into the so-called Cubry valley , the vineyards of Pierry , Moussy and Vinay have south and south-east facing aspects , while across the valley towards Vaudancourt and Chavot they again face north , yet like those in the Montagne , seem to thrive .
18 So I had Drew use his charm on her to get her away from Chuck and bring her here today . ’
19 Actor Ed Lauter , who worked with Marvin and knew him well , told me :
20 Ordyn-Nashchokin , one of the more forward-looking Russian statesmen of the seventeenth century , objected in the 1660s to any permanent foreign diplomatic representation in the country because it would " bring harm to the Muscovite state and embroil it with other nations " and because foreign diplomats would " find out everything that went on in Moscow and tell it abroad " .
21 Who sent them down to the Florida Keys and left them there in hurricane months ?
22 The victim-to-be purchases , or is given , the W.N.B. and places it unsuspectingly in the top pocket of his or her jacket , with the humorous head protruding .
23 In fact , you are to take a thousand down to the marshes of Kelfazin and leave them there .
24 He watched me pull down the Jolly Roger and throw it overboard , then he said , ‘ I expect you 'll want to go ashore now .
25 George takes the responsibility for Lennie and accepts him gradually .
26 The Johnson group seized the wounded Doe and took him away , while the ECOWAS force looked on , apparently helpless .
27 Sadly , experience suggests that most doctors would have thought the booklet to be just more advertising for Opren and thrown it straight into their wastepaper basket , unless the representative drew particular attention to the studies in question .
28 The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling .
29 Léger was shown the works of Picasso and Braque in 1910 by Kahnweiler and met them later the same year .
30 At some point before 664 Ealhfrith ejected Eata , abbot of Melrose and a pupil of Aidan ( HE III , 16 ) , and his companion , Cuthbert , who would not accept the Catholic Easter and other canonical rites of the Roman Church , from his new foundation at Ripon and committed it instead to Wilfrid ( HE III , 25 : V , 19 ) It was with Ealhfrith that Bishop Agilbert and his priest , Agatho , stayed when they visited the northern Angles prior to arguing in favour of the Dionysian Easter at the council of Whitby ( HE III , 25 ) .
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