Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [noun] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indonesia and Australia had both expressed support for regional security talks .
2 In December the joint forestry committee of Indonesia and Malaysia called for retaliatory action and said that it was " unfair " for Western environmentalists to blame Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) countries for global problems , and said that Indonesia and Malaysia had both taken steps " to sustain forest resources " .
3 Jean and Brian had never been camping in their lives .
4 At the time of their meeting , Picasso and Braque had very different positions in the Paris art world .
5 This is symptomatic of much more important weaknesses — Charles did not as Gale states ‘ hypothesise a glacial period in the distant past ’ as a stop gap for ignorance — James Smith of Jordanhill and others had already shown that there was good evidence for a cold period on actual fossils .
6 Hill and Williams had earlier revealed they had agreed a one-year contract , with an option for a further two years .
7 Richard and Ian had both been involved with the revival of the Bellerby Sword Dance Play , in 1982 for the anniversary of the school and in 1983 for the Richard III celebrations in Middleham .
8 On the other hand , if Coridon and Mopsa had originally been written in F major , for a soprano , it could perfectly well have been left in that key for Pate to sing ( an octave lower , of course ) , because it would go no lower than f .
9 After Mironov and Chapman had twice exchanged penalties in the first half , Chapman 's smart 30-yard dropped goal five minutes after the break put Cornwall ahead for the first time while Mishakov was off the field with a shoulder injury .
10 The idea was that the police would wait until they had incontrovertible evidence before moving in for the arrest , but Branson and Draper had barely sat down with the Clarkes before some forty policemen swarmed through the door , knocking over tables and chairs and arresting the two brothers .
11 By 1931 Hubble and Humason had convincingly demonstrated that the Universe is currently expanding and Einstein was then happy to disown the cosmological constant .
12 Then we went in to Hamish and Tone 's for tea and apologies , and later drove to the castle for what would have been the most excruciating interval of my life if Verity and Lewis had still been there , but they were n't ; they had taken off in the car to visit some friends of Verity 's who lived in Ardnamurchan , and would n't be back until late tomorrow at the earliest .
13 In early February 1991 Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland had all begun negotiations on association agreements with the EC , which was offering a 10-year transition period to mutual free trade in two stages with asymmetrically large EC tariff cuts over the first five years in all sectors except agriculture , steel and textiles — the very areas where the three countries most desired access .
14 Austria , Hungary and Bulgaria had reportedly pressed for full CSCE membership for Croatia and Slovenia ( and , in Bulgaria 's case , for Macedonia and Bosnia-Hercegovina ) during a preparatory meeting of CSCE officials in Prague on Jan. 27-29 .
15 In 1969 , when the initiation of diplomatic relations with recently established nationalist regimes in Peru , Bolivia , Ecuador and Colombia had considerably broadened the Soviet diplomatic presence , the Institute launched a regular publication , Latinskaia Amerika .
16 Both Shekhar and Gandhi had recently emphasized the need for stability in government , particularly in view of negotiations under way with the International Monetary Fund [ see p. 38006 ] .
17 The quartet managed to stay fit all last season , missing only five Championship games between them , but both Reeve and Donald were missing when the new campaign began , while Small and Munton had already suffered injuries .
18 Time was running out , however , and by the late 1880s , both Dunkirk and Days had finally closed .
19 During the course of the news conference both Assad and Mubarak said that they opposed any renewed military action against Iraq ; Syria and Egypt had both committed ground forces to the US-led coalition which had ousted Iraq from Kuwait in February 1991 .
20 On the contrary , Chinese horological techniques did not advance , and when the Jesuits brought their clocks to China in the sixteenth century the inventions of Su Sung and others had long been forgotten .
21 Editor , — Albert Maran and colleagues had already reported their randomised crossover study of hypoglycaemia with human and porcine insulin in abstract form .
22 Catesby and Melford had already departed , riding hard for Nottingham , leaving Agrippa , the Careys , Moodie and the old quack Scawsby at Royston .
23 According to the government-controlled Press Trust of India ( PTI ) , Russia and Ukraine had also agreed to maintain the delivery of military spare parts to India .
24 Although relations between Russia and Britain had traditionally been fraught with problems since the Crimean War , the deaths caused great distress at Buckingham Palace .
25 Elsewhere in the Old Master section a group of rare School of Fontainebleau prints by Davent , Fantuzzi and others had only mixed success due to strong estimates .
26 Kilfedder and Molyneaux had once been close but Kilfedder 's desertion of the OUP had divided them .
27 The firm of Ross and Macdonald had recently been associated with the building of the Beaux-Arts station in Ottawa .
28 Barth and Brunner had most in common .
29 The arguments of so-called radical democrats like Bachrach and Baratz had rather more direct impact than did disagreement over the nature of theory , partly because they shared some important ground with the pluralists .
30 It is important to point out that Sherman and Austin had never been taught to use photographs as a means of requesting to go to locations .
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