Example sentences of "[noun prp] might [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I , I sort of heard Debbie and Chris talking the other day , and I might have got it totally mixed up , but I reckon , I heard Chris saying that , well basically what I gathered was that Andy might have a different father to Chris and it was Andy 's father that 's died , right ?
2 Melanie might have a different tale to tell .
3 There were always some in the State Department who thought the policy might be pushed a little further : who thought that a unified Germany might become a big partner for America in the same way as is ( say some ) Japan .
4 ET might get a crossed line
5 When it seemed Chen might force a third , Persson fired an explosive backhand winner to lead 19–18 .
6 This means Zeneca might have a hard time charging much more than Merck 's price for its drug , even if Merrem is better .
7 However , by July there were signs of more serious trouble and City analysts believed that Eurotunnel might need a further £1bn to pay for a near tripling in the cost of the shuttle fleet and meet the rapidly increasing costs of labour and materials in South East England .
8 Roman Catholic bishops and clan chieftains would even up the balance , and Ireland might boast a Second Chamber that would be the envy of England and the world .
9 If it had to finance that by raising its own taxes , Scotland might become a socialist state along Albanian lines with high taxes , centralised planning and everyone living in council houses and enjoying the beauties of the socialist system in its most untrammelled form .
10 Well , England made a B tour last summer , from which it was deduced that Terry Hurlock might have a full international future .
11 Nathan Bryce might have a temporary advantage , but no slate-eyed , ruthless , mercenary businessman with a calculator instead of a heart was going to get the better of her .
12 As a matter of authenticity , and given that the appointment had been made two months ago and that perhaps Mr Gajdusek might need a little reminder , she took the letter from its envelope while , his touch again tingling , again gentle , he smoothed some cream over her bruises .
13 Mr Robertson said it was ‘ a reasonable prospect ’ to suppose the House of Lords might take a different view of the case , and that should be taken into account .
14 I reckon Crilly might have a better chance . ’
15 Initial speculation that Iraq might launch a military attack on Turkey soon diminished .
16 Rufus might make a good interrogator .
17 Howard might have a seven-year itch over that wonderful side he built , and maybe the board should find some cash before it becomes a terminal rash .
18 So Leeds might miss a good player — Leonhardsen is more of workhorse the Ronny and ‘ Leo ’ have tried out before for both Man City and a german club ( Borussia i think ) .
19 While this spared the Bush Administration from the perils of thinking for itself , or heaven forbid , taking a policy decision for which it might get criticised , it naively ignored the danger that Bonn might have a large axe of its own to grind .
20 Cobham might adorn a diplomatic mission but would surely mismanage a key political post such as that of Canterbury 's archbishopric .
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