Example sentences of "[noun prp] so that we can " in BNC.

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1 to meet with Jim so that we can a a the objective of which will be for Jim to tell us what the content of his course is , so we can assess where whether there are gaps in our training .
2 The concordance between Is for some attribute ( e.g. IQ ) may be higher than that between Ns so that we can infer a genetic effect .
3 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co–operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
4 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co-operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
5 Does the Secretary of State accept that we should have an industrial policy that is beneficial to Britain so that we can meet the challenge of the 21st century ?
6 We may want to make a dash straight back to Olbia so that we can catch the first ferry across in the morning . ’
7 To build on the EC 's Association Agreements with Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland so that we can welcome them to full membership by the year 2000 .
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