Example sentences of "[noun prp] say of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sentencing Fisher Mr Justice Judge said of the rape of the pahrmacist ’ No one who saw her give evidence will forget her visible revulsion as she described what happened . ’
2 In the 1970 's and early ‘ 80 's the Club saw more changes than in the whole of its earlier history , so much so that in 1976 former President Tom Luker said of the course shortly before his death ( 1977 ) , ‘ It has been modified so many times it has gone full circle ’ .
3 Palace boss Steve Coppell says of the striker : ‘ He can give us the pace Ian Wright used to offer . ’
4 Mr Roskha said of the trouble in Kishinyev : ‘ Several thousand people from the Popular Front and other groups broke through cordons of police and climbed on to the tanks and armoured personnel carriers , waving banners and chanting slogans .
5 As Bob Hope said of the Stealth bomber , ‘ If it is supposed to be invisible to radar , why do n't we just not build it and tell the Russians it 's there ? ’
6 Mr Faulks said of the application for the house loan : ‘ What we say he was doing here is , being unable to obtain loans in any other way , he is pretending to be selling his house to this fictitious person in order to get the bank to give him £43,000 on the strength of his house which they would otherwise not have given him . ’
7 One could well say of the event horizon what the poet Dante said of the entrance to Hell : " All hope abandon , ye who enter here . "
8 NALGO branch spokesman Richard Brunner said of the appeal : ‘ It 's not looking particularly optimistic . ’
9 ‘ We have gone one-third of the way to where we want to be , ’ Mr Jones said of the restructuring which has sold off the Grattan mail-order business for £167½m , cut debts in the Club 24 credit operation , improved trading in the core retail division and strengthened the balance sheet .
10 After the Glasgow meeting , Mr Wallace said of the Convention 's prospects : ‘ My view is still that when this group tries to examine what is a realistic possibility , realistically we will not be able to embark on any major schemes . ’
11 Visits supervisor Jenny Wallace said of the group : ‘ This was the first time we had welcomed a party from the Salvation Army .
12 Veteran Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston said of The Jungle Book : ‘ Character relationships must be built up slowly through actions , expressions and emotions .
13 British Gas Eastern spokesman Richard Dymond said of the move : ‘ It will not be 280 people going out of the gates .
14 At an Oval Office photo session at the start of the six-hour White House visit , Mr Major said of the airdrop plan : ‘ I think as a humanitarian mission , it is very welcome and it will have our support . ’
15 Wednesday manager Trevor Francis said of the Steel City clash : ‘ I wish this was the final .
16 Justice Foster said of the discordance between the evidence of the epidemiological witnesses called by the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations and the Tobacco Institute of Australia , ‘ It was not a disagreement which the learned primary judge or this Court could reasonably resolve . ’
17 Wilhelm Pieck said of the Minority Movement : The most striking example of sectarianism in the trade union movement was provided in Great Britain where … the Communists adopted such unfortunate and sectarian tactics that the Minority Movement actually fell to pieces .
18 Police Chief Superintendent David Baker said of the flare-up : ‘ It was a family day out with a carnival atmosphere right up to the end of the evening .
19 Mrs Charlton said of the conversation : ‘ The tone of the tape is unnatural for an intimate couple .
20 Meanwhile , Anderson says of the president , ‘ Over the years he made all the key decisions on the economic strategies he finally embraced .
21 Commenting on the effect of the September 1981 reshuffle in an interview with Jeremy Mayhew , James Prior said of the Cabinet ,
22 In the only passage where he concedes any degree of effectiveness to workers ' combinations , Adam Smith said of the wool combers : " By combining not to take apprentices … [ they ] … reduce the whole of the manufacture into a sort of slavery to themselves , and raise the price of labour much above what is due to the nature of their work . "
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