Example sentences of "[noun prp] say [conj] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Unit 's forester Andy Powell said that because of the changing nature of agriculture the need to remove hedgerows for farming efficiency is now less important .
2 A statement from the company 's offices at Dartford said that because of the Arts Council cut it had to go into voluntary liquidation .
3 In the company 's defence , the NRA said that because of a regional water shortage , less water had been used by the plant , at the request of the local water authority .
4 To a boy who declares himself stuck about what colour to use , he says : ‘ Well , Sickert said that when in doubt put a little of the last colour into the next colour you use , and that gives harmony : it does n't work to use a colour in isolation — white and black are the two parents , red in isolation can appear like a wound in the picture — it 's like friendships , we all know the awful consequences if a new person joins a group and the friendships are n't mixed through , it 's the same with colours . ’
5 A spokesperson for the DoE said that because of the large number of people who use the park , they had no plans at present to lock it .
6 Donnellan said that if at any time she 'd wanted him to stop , he would have done .
7 Dismissing the judicial review applications , Mr Justice Popplewell said that although by tracing the matter through the documents it was plain to see how the mistake had occurred , it was not an obvious clerical mistake ( as the Crown contended ) that the Court could correct as a matter of construction without recourse to rectification .
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