Example sentences of "[noun prp] that [pron] [be] not " in BNC.

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1 But one look at the lacklustre picture presented by the normally spirited Harriet convinced Meredith that she was not even aware the protesters were there , let alone that she had approached so close .
2 The appellant , in evidence during the trial , had insisted that he had made it clear to Mr. Burt that he was not a fully qualified accountant , although he had passed some examinations .
3 It soon became apparent to Edward that they were not en route for Westminster .
4 Nevertheless , Seton and his lieutenants , watching from the parapet of the main North Gate , decided that a warning salvo would do no harm , and show Edward that they were not all like the Earl of Dunbar .
5 Christopher Trickie and his Wife … told Mogg that the French people had taken the plan of their House , and that They had also taken the plan of all the places round that part of the Country , that a Brook runs in the front of Trickie 's House and the French people inquired of Trickie wether the Brook was Navigable to the Sea , and upon being informed by Trickie that It was not , they were afterwards seen examining the Brook quite down to the Sea .
6 He had completed a first draft by July 1941 , but he told Hayward that he was not pleased with the result because he was over-conscious of what he was attempting to do : " he was always aware of this problem in his work , and it had effectively led him to abandon much of the poetry he had been writing in his Harvard years .
7 ‘ They must have decided in Cas that she is n't hepatitis , ’ said Juliet .
8 He 'd been right when he told Alison that he was n't overlooked , because he could only see a narrow slice of his lounge from here ; but when he got down on his hands and knees and peered through the wrought ironwork the angle improved and he could see almost half of the room .
9 At the end of the prosecution case , counsel for Paul Magee ( 42 ) and Michael O'Brien ( 32 ) told Mr Justice Laws that they were not calling any evidence .
10 Do n't give me all that about the ban from Europe , it is because of the way the game has gone in England that we are not the force we were in European competition .
11 I understood Rochester said to Jane that he was n't sure er , his French had spent so many
12 I hope that the Government will clarify their stance and reassure the people of Scotland that we are not to be the nuclear dustbin of the world .
13 It came back , like a pain , temporarily dulled by drugs , in the terrible early hours in Emily 's bed where he lay , awake and fretful , scourged by his conscience or his sense of preservation , or whatever it was he had so recklessly ignored , tensed for another screaming fit and wondering how he would explain to Brenda that it was n't his fault .
14 Investigations by S. E. Winbolt showed that the first two had small rectangular enclosures of about three acres and these are so like the burgi on Watling Street that it is not impossible that they represent part of the fortified system established by Constantius Chlorus , although the dating evidence indicates an earlier origin .
15 So I 'm telling you Mr that I 'm not unemployed because according to the Government figures I am not .
16 I will continue Mr Mayor that it is not meanness it is practical caring Conservative policy to ensure that this happens .
17 It 's only Matthew that it 's not .
18 After several long moments had passed , it began to occur to Henri that something was n't working properly .
19 On 13 November Colonel Durand learned from Wade that he was not coming to the relief of Carlisle since the roads through Yorkshire were inadequate for his artillery .
20 The centurion sent word to Jesus that it was not necessary for him to come in person .
21 Damn him for dissembling ; for pretending to Daniel that he was n't wounded to the core at being passed over , pretending that it was only Anna who was suffering , as if it were she who could not bear the lack of advancement , of increased prosperity .
22 That , my Lord , the matter moves on to the fifteenth of October on which day er the plaintiff together with Mr attended Richmond Magistrates Court and obtained a protection order from the justices in relation to the premises and then on the sixteenth of October erm this was the day when things started to go very badly wrong for the plaintiff because Mr by now had returned from his holiday and come back cautiously , he apparently attended after his holiday and on this day Mr was told that , by Mrs that it was not possible to proceed with the financial er dealings that had been agreed between them unless the Frinton property was offered as security .
23 Mm , but Mike that it was n't new , how do you explain that Kirsty ?
24 In addition Richard Armitage , acting as a special US ambassador to the Middle East , held previously unannounced talks with King Hussein on Jan. 22 , following a statement by US President Bush that he was not planning to " write off " Jordan because of differences of opinion on the Gulf conflict .
25 May I add first of all my apologies on behalf of Lynda Chalker that she 's not able , due as we 've heard , to business in the Lords to be with you today .
26 Many years later , it would be said of Australia that it was not a sea-going nation but a surf-going one .
27 She could lie there thinking about a most unpleasant nightmare , thanking God that it was n't true .
28 ‘ Thank God that I am not answerable to any higher authority ; but were I in the position of having to justify myself before the great British public , even I would find it difficult to defend your priorities . ’
29 The Pharisee , Jesus said , thanked God that he was not like the Publican or any other lesser mortal .
30 it was last sunday that frank got the message from HW that he was not included in leeds ' future plans .
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